Apple // Disk Library DOS 3.3 Catalog ===================================== A-1 DOS 3.2 Utilities #1 APPLESOFT - APPLECOPY PROGRAM - CHANGE DDS COMMANDS - CHANGE DOS COMMANDS.1 - DATABASE MAKER - DISK FULL BANNER - DISK TO TAPE COPY - DISK WORKSHOP - DISK ZAP (READ/WRITE) - DOS 3.1 OR DOS 3.2 - EXEC FILE MAKER - FAST COPY - FILE CUSTODIAN - FILING SYSTEM - FPBASIC - FREE SPACE - FREE SPACE & SPLIT CAT - FREE SPACE.FP - HELLO - HELPER INSTRUCTIONS - HELPER - HELPER2 - HIDE DISK FILES - IAC DISK HELPER - IAC DISK SORTER - IAC ULTIMATE BSTAT - IMPROVED CATALOG - IMPROVED CATALOG.I - INTBASIC - LO-RES DISK MAP - RECONSTRUCT VTOC - TWTS - SAMPLE ISAM FILE Program - SINGLE DRIVE COPY - TEXT FILE BUILDER - ULTIMATE TRANSFER A-2 DOS 3.2 Utilities #2 ANY BASE Number Conversion - ANY CHARACTER INPUT - APPLESOFT II RENUMBER - APPLESOFT - APPLE BASE CONVERTER - APPLE II+ MINI/ASM - A.S. MEMORY MOVE - CONTROL CHARACTER Finder - CONVERT Integer TO Appleso - CREDIT GRABBER STOPPER - DECIMAL FORMATTER - DEMUFFIN INSTRUCTIONS - DEMUFFIN - DFIND - Display Applesoft LO/HIMEN - Display INTEGER AVAIL.MEM - Display INTEGER LO/HIMEM - FAST INITIALIZER - Find and DFind Instruction - FIND - FIND.OBJ - FP AUTO NUMBER CALL 768 - FP AUTO NUMBER Instruction - FRE - HELLO - INTEGER @ $A000-TAPE - INTEGER @ $6000-TAPE - INTEGER BASIC RENUMBER - INTEGER BASIC-DISK - INTEGER CHR$ FUNCTION - INTEGER LINE XREF Instruct - INTEGER LINE XREF.OBJ - INTEGER SUPER LOCK - INTEGER SYMBOL XREF Instru - INTEGER SYMBOL XREF.OBJ - INTFRE DOCUMENTATION - INTFRE - INT LINE X-REF(CALL2048) - LONG DIVISION - MEMORY DISPLAY - MEMORY INTERPRETER - MEMORY LISTER - MORSE 3.2.1 - PDL/COLOR TEST - PETLOADER INSTRUCTIONS - PET LOADER FOR RAM Apples - PET LOADER For ROM Appleso - RAM TEST 48K - REM STRIPPER Instructions - REM STRIPPER - ROMAN NUMERALS - SUPPLEMENT - SWEET 16 DISASSEMBLER - TEXT/TOKEN FIND - THROTTLE (SPEED Controller - THROTTLE.FP - TRACE LIST UTILITY - TRACE.OBJ - TV PATTERN GENERATOR A-3 Business #1 Amortization SCHED FOR PRI - APPLESOFT - BLACK-SCHOLES OPTION - BOND - BREAK-EVEN ANALYSIS - BUDGET - CHECKBOOK NOTES - COPY SECURITY ANALYSIS - DECISION ASSISTANT - DECISION MATRIX - DIRECT REDUCTION LOAN - DISCONTINUOUS OPTION - DISK CHECKBOOK - FASTSORT - FINANCIAL RATIO ANALYSIS - FPBASIC - GROWTH RATE - HEAPSORT - HELLO - INTBASIC - INVESTMENT - NUMBER SORT ROUTINE - SECURITY ANALYSIS - SHELL METZNER SORT - SIMPLE LETTER WRITER - TEXT EDITOR - TRANSPORTATION COST - TRIP COST ANALYSIS - TYPESETTER - WATER CONSERVATION A-4 Business #2 ADDRESS LIST (DATA - ADDRESS LIST (DISK FILES) - ADD.LIST - APPLESOFT - APPLE PHONE LIST - A.P.P.L.E. FINANCIAL PAK - CHARACTER TABLE - COMPARISON OF SORTS - DOLLARS AND CENTS - FOOTE AND SINGLETON Sorts - HELLO - HI-RES CHARACTER Generator - KEITHS DATA BASE - NIBBLE'S APPLE T.R.A.C. - NIBBLE'S TOUGH TEXT - ONTARIO SALES TAX - ONTARIO TAX CALCULATOR - PAYROLL-1981 - PIE GRAPH PROGRAM - REMINDER PROGRAM - SOFTCRAFT TEXT EDITOR - TYPING TUTOR PROGRAM - VISICALC FORMULA LISTER A-5 Science and Math #1 ANGLO TO METRIC - ANTENNA PLOT - APPLESOFT - APPLE-CHEM - ARCSIN - CCLCULATE PI TO N PLACES - CIRCULAR DICHROISM - COMPUTE ANGLE DISTANCE - CONDUIT FILL - CONSECUTIVE REACTIONS - COST PER SERVING - COURSE VECTORS - DERIVATIVE OF AN Equation - ENZYME KINETICS - EQUATIONS - EXPONENTIAL CURVE FIT - FOOTCANDLE ANALYSIS - FPBASIC - GAUSS-JORDAN EQ Solution - HELLO - INTBASIC - LIGHTING LIFE CYCLE - LOGARITHMIC CURVE FIT - LOGIC ANALYSER - MATRIX INVERSION - MATRIX OPERATIONS - OHM'S LAW - PI-NET DESIGN - POINT GAUSSIAN Quadrature - POWER CURVE FIT - PROG.CHART - QUAD ANTENNA DESIGN - ROBOT MOTOR - SIMULTANEOUS EQUATIONS - STATISTICS - TRIANGLE - UNPAIRED GROUP CMP A-6 Science and Math #2 APPLESOFT - ASTRONOMY LESSON - BATTERY CELL SIMULATION - CALCULATOR PROGRAM - CIRCLE AREA & RADIUS - COIN TOSS - COMMON Birthday Probability - CUBIC FUNCTION PLOT - DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS - DNA TUTORIAL - D/A BIN.A$0.L$10 - D/A CONVERTER - ELEMENTS - EXPONENTIAL REGRESSON - FPBASIC - FUNCTION GRAPHING - GREAT CIRCLE - GREENHOUSE HELPER - HELLO - INTBASIC - LIFE - LIFE.OBJ - PARETO ANALYSIS - PRISM VOLUME - SIMPLE 3-D PLOT - SUPER METRIC CONVERTER - X BAR A-7 Graphics Demos #1 AMERICAN FLAG - ANIMATIONS - APPLEGRAPHICS - APPLESOFT - APPLE BYTE - APPLE LOGO - CHARACTER GENERATOR - COLOR EATER DEMO - COMPUTATIONAL POWERS - DIAMONDS - EDGE FRAMES - EDGE MOVIE - EDGE MOVIE I - GATED MOVIE - GATED MOVIE I - HELLO - INTBASIC - LORES WALLS - MEMORY MOVE - MENU - MUGA MOVIE - PAINTER - PENTOMIMO - RANDOM DIRECTIOSN II - RANDOM DIRECTIONS - RANDOM ROCKET - SFAC LOGO - SINGING FINGERS - STOPWATCH II - STOPWATCH - SUPER KALIEDISCOPE - WIG WIZ FAST GRAPHICS A-8 Graphics Demos #2 APPLESOFT - APPLE ART - APPLE LOGO - APPLE'S HI-RES GRAPHICS DE - A.P.P.L.E. COLOR DEMOS - BEGINNING (RUN TWICE) - BIT SIN - BPULSAR1 - BPULSAR2 - BPULSAR3 - BPULSAR4 - BPULSAR5 - BPULSAR6 - BPULSAR7 - BPULSAR8 - CHRISTMAS DISPLAY - COMPUTER ART (RUN twice) - CONAN - HELLO - HIDDEN LINES - HIRES CUBE - HIRES DAZZLER - HIRES.OBJ - HRGRAF - INTBASIC - LINCOLN - MENU - MERRY CHRISTMAS - NATIONAL PRIDE II - NATIONAL PRIDE I - OBJECT DRAWING - PULSAR-INTRO - SEASONS GREETINGS (again) - SOUND EFFECTS II - SUPER HIRES GRAPHICS - SUPER.HIRES - THE DRIP I - TWINE (RUN TWICE) - TWO CIRCLES (RUN TWICE) - WASHINGTON - WINGS (RUN TWICE) A-9 Graphics Demos #3 APPLESOFT - GRAPH1 - GRAPH2 - GRAPH3 - GRAPH4 - GRAPH5 - GRAPH6 - GRAPH7 - GRAPH8 - HELLO - MENU - ORBIT - SATELLITE - SLIDE SHOW A-10 Graphics Demos #4 AMERICAN MAP - APPLECORPS LOGO - APPLE TIME - APPLE-COURSER - BUD'S APPLE - BULLET - CIRCLES - CUBE ROTATION IN 3-D - CUBE.OBJ - FIREWORKS DISPLAY - FUNCTION PLOT 3-D - GRANDAPPLE CLOCK - GREAT SHAPES - HELLO - HIGHER HIGH-RES - HIRES DEMOS - HIRES PATTERNS - HIRES 3-D PLOT - HYPER - IMPACT - IMPOSSIBLE FIGURE - MENU - MOIRE PATTERNS - MULTI-DIM HIRES DISLAY - RAMDOM WALK - ROD'S ENTERPRISE - TOTATE HIRES FIGURES - SERENDIPITOUS CIRCLES - SINE PRINT - SINE WAVE DEMO - SUPERFAST DAZZLE - SUPER ROSE - SUPER SPY - SUPER.HIRES - TRIANGLE - TWENTY-ONE HIRES COLORS ? NOTE: Disks A-11 to A-14 have been updated and replace the original ones in our library. New programs have been added and some old ones have been deleted. In general, these disks have really been cleaned up a lot. Most of the INTeger stuff has been removed or converted to Applesoft so the disks are much easier to use. A-11 GRAPE #1 Side 1 GRAPE MENU - BIBLE DRILL - ROCK OF AGES DRILL - BIBLE FATHERS.DRILL - BIBLE MOTHERS.DRILL - NEW TESTAMENT VERSES. - BIBLICAL METROLOGY. - OLD TESTAMENT BOOKS. - NEW TESTAMENT BOOKS. - BIBLE NAMES MEANINGS. - STUDY PROGRAM - SUBJECT FILE - BIBLE STUDY - QUOTATIONS - SALVATION - APPLE BASIC - STUDY QUESTION.U - STUDYFILE XFER.U - GRAPE MAZE - I'M THINKING - OT BOOKS QUIZ - NT NOOKS QUIZ - CRYPTOGRAMS - EYE-QUE - NEW JERUSALEM - BLESSINGS - MUSICAL KEYS - AMAZING GRACE - PEACE MAKER - SCRAMBLED VERSES - FREE SPACE - OLD OLD STORY - ALPHA SHAPES - TONE.B A-12 GRAPE #1 Side 2 HELLO - BIBLE PEOPLE - PEOPLEFILE.U - PEOPLEFILE - NAV-1 - NAV.A - NAV.B - NAV.C - NAV.D - NAV.E - NAVIGATORS - TEST - SEEK AND FIND - NAV.W - STRIPPED MENU - GRAPE MENU - TRIANGLE A-13 GRAPE #2 Side 1 GRAPE MENU - BIBLE NAMES - BIBLE QUIZ.FP - MUSICAL MESSAGE - LO-RES PIX MAKER - EASTER CALENDAR2 - OLD IN THE NEW - ON.FONT - NAME THAT HYMN - GRAPE TONE.B - HYMNS 2 - HYMN WRITER 2 - FLASH CARDS - FLASH CARD INSTR. - FLASH CARD WRITER - OLD TESTAMENT BOOKS - NEW TESTAMENT BOOKS - BIBLE FATHERS - BIBLE MOTHERS - OLD TESTAMENT VERSE - NEW TESTAMENT VERSE - THE REVELATION - REJOICE! THE LORD I - JESUS LOVES ME - DOXOLOGY - JOY TO THE WORLD! - NOW BLESSED BE JEHOVAH - HOW SHALL THE YOUNG...? - NOW WITH JOYFUL - WHEN PEACE LIKE A RIVER - CHRIST THE LORD IS RISEN - AMAZING GRACE - MATTHEW - MARK - LUKE - JOHN - ACTS - ROMANS - 1 CORINTHIANS - II CORINTHIANS - GALATIANS - EPHESIANS - PHILIPPIANS - COLOSSIANS - I THESSALONIANS - II THESSALONIANS - I TIMOTHY - II TIMOTHY - TITUS - PHILEMON - HEBREWS - JAMES - I PETER - II PETER - I JOHN - II JOHN - III JOHN - JUDE A-14 GRAPE #2 Side 2 GRAPE MENU - GHR2E INSTRUCTIONS PT 1. - GHR2E INSTRUCTIONS PT 2. - FREE SPACE - MEN OF THE BIBLE - CHRISTMAS STORY - GRAPE CONCENTRATE - PICK A PATTERN - PRESCHOOL - PRESCHOOL.TBL - JESUS IS LORD - JESUS.T - ENCOURAGEMENT - NUMBER SEARCH - GREEK MARKINGS - PREPOSITIONS - GRAPE-TYPER - GHR2E DEMO (ROM) - DOC READER - GHR2E - NUMBERS.G - BOLD.G - COMPUTER.G - GRAPE.G - INVERSE.G - NINETYS.G - SCRIPT.G - GAME.G - PIGGIE.G - ENGLISH.G - GAME BOARD.G - GRAPE-TYPER.G - ENGLISH - NEW ENGLISH - HEBREW - GREEK - MUSIC - AAT.OBJ0 - FP.GRAPE MENU - GRAPE TONE.B - DICT1 - MUG A-15 Assorted BASIC Pgms. AIR/SEA BATTLE - AIR/SEA BATTLE.OBJ - APPLESOFT - APPLE T.R.A.C. - EXEC TO RUN STAR ATTACK - GRAPHIC.OBJ - GUIDED MISSILE - HELLO - LOW-RES SHAPEWRITER - LOW-RES SHAPEWRITER.OBJ - MENU - MUSIC RETRIEVAL SYSTEM - PAPER TIGER GRAPHIC PRINT - PERSONAL INVENTORY - PROG. TO MAKE ABOVE FILE - SIMON INSTRUCTIONS - SIMON - SIMON.OBJ - SPACE ANIMATION - STAR ATTACK - STAR ATTACK.OBJ - STAR.OBJ1 - TOUGH TEXT PROCESSOR A-16 Assorted Routines ANIMATION-LEGS - ANIMATION-WHOLE - APPLESOFT - BANNER PRINTER - BASIC/MACHINE LANG/AID - BILLBOARD - BOLD PRINT DEMO - CHANGE CURSOR II - CHANGE CURSOR I - DECIMAL FORMATTING - DISK MENU PROGRAM - HELLO - HIRES PICTURE LABELER - HIRES SHAPE TABLE MAKER - LORES POKE DEMO - LORES SHAPE ROUTINE - MENU - MORSE CODE READER - MORSE CODE SENDER - PAUL'S SHAPE TABLE EDITOR - PLANETS - SCREEN REVERSE - SCROLL TEXT ROUTINE II - SCROLL TEXT ROUTINE - SECURITY - SILENTYPE BOLD PRINT - STORE WINDOW DISPLAY - TELEPHONE DIALER - TEXT CENTERING - THE DEFOGGER - TYPING ROUTINE - USE OF THE GET COMMAND - WORD SEARCH PUZZLE A-17 Music Disk #1 ALLEGRO - APPLESOFT - GOD SAVE THE QUEEN - HAPPY BIRTHDAY - HELLO - JINGLE BELLS - MAESTRO - MAESTRO.DATA1 - MAESTRO.DATA2 - MAESTRO.DATA3 - MAESTRO.DATA4 - MAESTRO.DATA5 - MENU - O COME ALL YE FAITHFUL - O'CANADA - RANDOM LIGHTS & MUSIC - SILENT NIGHT - SIMPLE MUSIC - SONG OF JOY (BEETHOVEN'S ISOUND EFFECTS - THE ENTERTAINER - THE ENTERTAINER 2 - THE FIRST NOEL - WE THREE KINGS A-18 Music Disk #2 ALLEGRO 2 - APPLESOFT - APPLE-MUSIC SUBROUTINES - BACH - BUGLE CALL - CANTINA BAND - DECK THE HALLS - HAPPY BIRTHDAY - HELLO - JOHAN'S APPLE - JOY TO THE WORLD - MARCH IN G - MENU - MUSIC AND GRAPHICS - MUSIC MAKER - MUSIC ROUTINE - MUXIC SYNTHESIS - PLAY A CASSETE TAPE - SINGING FINGERS - SIX SONGS - SMALL WORLD MUSIC - SONGS AND COMPOSITION - SOUND EFFECTS II - SUPER SYNTHESIS 1100G - THE APPLE PLAYER - THE BLUE DANUBE - THE ENTERTAINER - YESTERDAY A-19 Education #1 APPLESOFT - APPLE COMMODITY MARKET - APPLE STAND - BEGINNING MATH - COIN TOSS + BINOMIAL - HELLO - HI-Q - LEGACY / TAKEIT - MATH GAMES - MENU - MUSICAL MATH - SIMPLE SIMON - SPELLING BEE - STOCK MARKET II - STOCK MARKET - THREE GAME - WORD GUESS A-20 Education #2 ADDING THE 'ING' - APPLESOFT - APPLE EDUCATION PAK - BRAIN TEASERS - CLOSE ENCOUNTER - DECIMALS - DIVISION-SPEED DRILL - ECONOMICS MANAGEMENT - FLASH CARDS - HANGMAN II - HANGMAN - HELLO - LONG DIVISION - MENU - NICHE - NUMBER GUESS - SPOKEN NUMBERS (48K) - THE TAX MAN - TRUE/FALSE QUIZ - TWENTY MATCHES A-21 Games #1 APPLESOFT - ATOM 20 (CORRECTED) - DEEP SPACE - HELLO - HUNT THE WUMPUS II - HUNT THE WUMPUS - JOUST - MENU - OREGON TRAIL - QUEST - ROAD TRIP - SWORDS AND SORCERS - SWORDS AND SORCER.FP A-22 Games #2 APPLESOFT - BIG QUEST - COMBAT - FORT - FUR TRADER - HELLO - MENU - SEVEN AYES TAVERN - STARTREK III - STARTREK II - STARTREK I - STAR WARS A-23 Games #3 APPLESOFT - BLOCKADE - DRAGON MAZE - FPBASIC - HELLO - HIRES OTHELLO - HIRES OTHELLO.OBJ - INTBASIC - KENO - LEAPFROG - MAZE GENERATOR - MENU - NFL FOOTBALL - OREGON TRAIL - PARACHUTE - PCARD - SAUCER INVASION - SWORDS AND SORCERS - SWORDS AND SORCERS.FP - THE HAUNTED MANSION - TIC-TAC-TOE A-24 Games #4 AIRPORT - APPLESOFT - APPLE-STAR BOWLING - APPLE-STAR.OBJ - A.P.P.L.E. GAMEPAK III - A.P.P.L.E. GAMEPAK II - A.P.P.L.E. GAMEPAK IV - BATTLESHIP - BLACK BOX - HELLO - HOCKEY - LUNAR LANDER - MENU - MONOPOLY - MULTI-LAYER BLACKJACK A-25 Games #5 ADVANCED DRAGON MAZE - APPLESOFT - A.P.P.L.E. CASINO PAK #1 - A.P.P.L.E. COLOR GAMEPAK - BATTLESHIP II - COLOR SLOT - DODGE BALL - HELLO - HORSE RACE - HUSTLE - MENU - NIM - PADDLE CHECKERS - QUBIC II - RUN AROUND - TEXT CHESS - TIME BOMB - TOGNAZINI DRAGON MAZE - TORPEDO - TOWERS OF HONOI A-26 Games #6 APPLESOFT - BINGO CARD GENERATOR - BINGO DISPLAY AUTOMATIC - BINGO DISPLAY - BLACKJACK - BRIDGES - CHASER - CRYPTOGRAM - DART GAME - FPBASIC - GO-MOKU - HELLO - INTBASIC - LO-RES CAR RACE - MENU - NINES * - OTHELLO I - REVERSE - SUPER TIC-TAC-TOE - SUPER TIC.OBJ - SUPER-HIRES CHESS GAME A-27 Games #7 ACEY DUCEY - APPLEHAPPY - APPLESOFT - APPLE GOLF - AUTO DRIVER - A.P.P.L.E. GAME PAK I - BRAIN TEASERS - HELLO - IMPROVED BREAKOUT - IPROVED PONG - LO-RES TIC TAC TOE - MEMORY MADNESS - MENU - REAL TIME DRAGONMAZE - SEVEN - SPACE INVADERS - STARS - TANK BATTLE - TWO PLAYER BREAKOUT - WAYNES OTHELLO - WORLD POWER - YAHTZEE A-28 Games #8 APPLESOFT - APPLE DOWNS - A TRILLION STORIES - COMPUTER ANALYST - FIVE CARD STUD - FOOTBALL II - FPBASIC - HELLO - INTBASIC - KWAK STAK - KWAK.OBJ - MENU - OFF THE WALL - PINBALL II - STARTREK III - STRATREK II - STRATREK I - YAHTZEE A-29 Baked Apples - Games AIR ATTACK! - AIR FORCE BOMBER - ALIVADER - ASTEROYDER - CARRYING-BALLOON - CHASE-GAME - DEATH STAR - HELLO - HI-RES DRAGON MAZE - LUNAR-LANDER - NEW FLY KILLER - PICK UP - SHOOTING ALIEN - SPACE-WAR V - SUBMARINE A-30 Apple Orchard #1 APPLESOFT - APPLE TYPER II - APPLE TYPER - ASCII $4000 $800 - ASSEMBLER - COLORS - DRIVER.B - DRIVER.S - EPROM CODE LOWERCASE - FLASH CARDS - FPBASIC - HELLO - HEX-ASCII.B - HEX-ASCII.S - HEX-DEC CONY - HIRES ROUTINES - HI-RES DUMP - HI-RES DUMP.B - HI-RES DUMP.S - INTBASIC - LOMEM:.R - LOMEM:.S - MENU - SHAPER - SHAPING UP - SPACE TRIP - S/MENU - TO APPLE-WRITER. A-31 Apple-Can #1 ALPHABET PRINTER - APPLESOFT - APPLE INSIDE AN APPLE - APPLE PAINTBRUSH - APPLE SKETCHER - BLACKJACK - CHARLIE BROWN - CROSS FOUR - DICE ODDS - DO YOU KNOW YOUR APPLE - GORD'S APPLE PLAYER - HANGMAN - HELLO - HGR TYPEWRITER - LIFE - MAGIC S-UARES AND CUBES - MASTERMIND - MAZE - MENU - STAR WARS - STAR WARS:'FP' 'BLOAD' - TIC-TAC-TOE - TRIANGLE - USS ENTERPRISE - WIZARD - ZONEX (PET) A-32 Apple-Can #2 APPLESOFT - AUTO ROMAN NUMBERALS - AUTO-NUMBER - CHARACTER TABLE - DISKETTE CHECKER - DISKETTE VERIFY - DOLLARS AND CENTS - DON'T LIST ME - FAST INIT - FPBASIC - GENERATIONS - HEART ANALYSIS - HELLO - HI-RES CHARACTER GENER - INTBASIC - KEITH'S GRAPHICS DEMO - MENU - NEW PRINTOUT STYLE - PETLOADER INSTRUCTIONS - PET LOADER FOR RAM - PET LOADER FOR ROM - PLOT REGRESSION - POKE IN LINE 10 - PRISM VOLUME - REMINDER PROGRAM - ROMAN NUMERALS - SADITOR INSTRUCTIONS - SADITOR TEXT EDITOR - SHAPE TABLE MAKER - VISICALC FORMULA LISTER - WHAT WILL BOOT 7 - WIZARD A-33 Science & Math #3 APPLESOFT - BARN - CALCULATE PI TO N PLACES - CHECK BOOK BALANCER - COIN TOSS - COMP-X II - CYCLOID - DNA TUTORIAL - D/A BIN.A$0.L$10 - D/A COINVERTER - EQUIPROBABLE - FPBASIC - GAMBLER'S RUIN - HELLO - INTBASIC - LIFE - LIFE.OBJ - LISSAJOUX - LOGIC ANALYSER - MENU - MONE CARLO - POLAR - RADIOACTIVE - RADIO - ROSETTE - SPHERICAL - SPIRAL2 - SURFACE - TRIANBLE ILLUSION A-34 DOS 3.3 Utilities APPLESOFT - BOOT13 - COPY.A - COPY.I - COPY.OBJ - DEMUFFIN INSTURCTIONS - DEMUFFIN - DISK MAP - DISK MODIFIER - FASTER MASTER CREATE - FAST SINGLE DRIVE COPY - FID - FILE CUSTODIAN - FPBASIC - FREE SPACE - HAS NO MENU OR - HELLO - HIDE DISK FILES - IAC DISK HELPER - IAC DISK SORTER - IMPROVED - INTBASIC - LANGCARD OWNERS READ - LH COPY - LH VTOC - MENU - MUFFIN - RWTS - SINGLE DRIVE COPY - SWITCH FILES - SYSTEM CONFIGURATION - TRASH COMPACTOR - WHAT WILL BOOT ? A-35 Education #3 ALGEBRA I - APPLESOFT - BASIC PROGRAMMING III - BASIC PROGRAMMING II - BASIC PROGRAMMING IV - BASIC PROGRAMMING I - FOOD DTA MAKER - HELLO - HOUSE DTA MAKER - INTEGER BASIC TUTORIAL - LIGHT PRODUCTION - MENU - MISC. DTA MAKER - MY MESSAGES - PEOPLE DTA MAKER - PLACES DTA MAKER - RUTHERFORD - SPANISH TUTOR 1.1 - THE MEMORY GAME - THINGS1 DTA MAKER - THINGS2 DTA MAKER - TOM'S MATH DRILL A-36 IAC #7 - Australia APPLESOFT SHAPE MAKER - APPLESOFT - BACH - BIORHYTHM - CALCULATOR START - CALC1 - CAT INIT - CAT - HELLO - HGR DEMO1 - INFO - LDATA - LUCY - LWORDS - MASTERING CORE(A$1C00/L$1 - MASTERMIND - MENU - NUMBERS - SYDNEY GROUP AUSTRALIA - TALK - TARGET SHOOT A-37 IAC #8 - Green Apples ALGEBRA 1 - COMPUTER WRITER DEMO - COMPUTER WRITER PRINT - COMPUTER WRITER - DAN'S OPTION WRITER - DEMUFFIN INSTRUCTIONS - DEMUFFIN - DISK HELPER(3.3) - DISK SORT(3.3) - DOS POINTERS - HELLO - LUNAR LANDER(TOM'S) - MEMORY GAME - MY MESSAGES - PRODUCTION OF LIGHT - RUN - RUTHER - RWDISC - RWTS - SILENTYPE BOLD PRINT - SPELLING LIST - SPELLING TEST - SWITCH - TIMEFILE - TOM'S DISK MODIFIER - ROM'S EXEC WRITER - TOM'S HEX-DEC TABLE GEN - TOM'S MATH DRILL - TOM'S TEAM BOWLING - TOM'S TRASH COMPACTOR - TWO DRIVE COPY A-38 Apple-Can Programs #3 APPEND CHARGEX - APPEND SEQ FILES - AUTO RHYTHM - A.I.M.S. - CODE DATA - COMPLETE SEARCH SEQ FILES - CORRECT SEQ FILES - CREATE CHARGEX - CREATE SEQ FILES - DISK ZAP 3.3 - DISPLAY CHARGEX - DOS VERSION FINDER - EDITOR - ESCAPE - FILE DELETING PROGRAM - FILE TRANSFER 3.3 - FREECAT INSTRUCTIONS - FREECAT - HELLO II - HELLO - KRUNCH - LABEL PRINTER - MASM DOC - MASM SAMPLE - MASM - MORSE CODE EXEC WRITER - MORSE CODE EXEC - MORSE CODE READER - MORSE CODE WRITER - MORSE CODE - MORSE CODE (ALL CHARAC - MULTIPLE DISKETTE INITIALI - NAME - PIP DATA - PIP II - PRINT SEQ FILES - PRINT STAMP NUMBERS - READ SEQ FILES VAR FIELDS - SEARCH SEQ FILES - SORT FIFTH LETTER - SORT FIRST LETTER - SORT FOURTH LETTER - SORT LAST LETTER - SORT SECOND LAST LETTER - SORT SECOND LETTER - SORT SIXTH LETTER - SORT THIRD LETTER - TEXT EDITOR - TIMEFILE A-39 IAC #9 - Assorted Pgms. BINOMIAL DISTRIBUTION - CALCULATOR - CALC PI TO 1000 DIGITS - DIVISION - EXTERIOR BALLISTICS - FAST FOURIER TRANSFORM - GREAT CIRCLE - HARMONIC ANALYSIS - HELLOI - HEX CONV - HEX-DEC CONVERTER - IAC - LONG DIVISION - LOOP ANTENNA - MATH PRACTICE - METRICS AREA - METRICS KITCHEN - METRICS LENGTH - METRICS TEMPERATURE WEIG - METRIC VOLUME - MULTIPLY - NOTCH FILTER - NUMBER BASE CONVERTER - PERMUTATIONS-COMBINATIO - PLOT - PRIME FACTORS OF INTEGERS - QUADRATIC SURFACE - REACTANCE CALCULATIONS - SIN PLOT - TOTAL - TRANSISTOR PARAMETERS - XLINE IMPEDANCE A-40 Apple-B.C. and -Can. APPLE-USING - APPLE.USING.TUTORIAL - AUTOCAT - BOUNCE - CALCULATOR (DISK) - CHEQUE BOOK - CRAWLER - CRAWLER.TUTORIAL - DICE THROW - DISK SNOOPER PRINTOUT - DISK SNOOPER - EMMA'S PROGRAM - FOUR-IN-A-ROW - GOAL GAME - GOT.IT - HELLO - HIRES SHAPEMAKER DEMO - HIRES SHAPEMAKER WRITEUP - JOHN'S HI-RES ETCH-A-SKETCH - KEYBOARD LONGHAND - KINGDOM - LO-RES TO HI-RES - METEOR STORM - MINER - MOONLANDING - MUSIC WARS - NAMESORT II - POOR MAN'S WORD PROCESS - P.M.W.P.(JUSTIFIED VERSION - P.M.W.P./40.PRINTER - P.M.W.P./80.PRINTER - SET LONGHAND WITH PADDL - S.T.DICE - S.T.SMALL ALPHABET - VANBUL A-41 Apple-B.C. Disk #1 ALPHATIZE - APPLESOFT - CARTESIAN PLOTTING - CHARACTER WRITER - CHESS CLOCK - DEPTH CHARGE - DISABLE AUTOSTART - DRAGON CURVES - ETCH-A-SKETCH - HANGMAN MAKE WORDS LIST - HANGMAN WORDS6 - HANGMAN - HELLO - HEX/DEC CONVERTER - LOGO & SHAPES - MAZE GAME - MESSAGE SIGN - MINI TEXT EDITOR - PI - POLAR PLOTTING DEMO - POLYDIAGS - PRIMES - PROGRAM-DATA CREATOR - PROGRAM-DATA - READ DATA FROM TAPE - SAVE DATA TO TAPE - SHAPES - STOP LIST - STRING ART - THE SIMPLE SULTAN - THREE-D - TL$ - TRIANGLES - UPPER/LOWER CASE DEMO A-42 Apple-B.C. Disk #2 AAA - ANGULAR GUN - ASTROIDES - ASTROIDES-SHAPES - BEARING AND DISTANCE - CALENDAR - DEFLECTO - DEPTH CHARGE - DOS HELPER - DRAGON CURVES - EDIT+ (DISK) - EDIT+ (NO DISK) - EXEC FILE WRITER - FINANCIAL PROGRAMS - HANGMAN MAKE WORDS LI - HANGMAN WORDS6 - HANGMAN - HELLO - HELLO.X - HEX/DEC CONVERTER - INPUT ROUTINE - LOGO & SHAPES - MESSAGE SIGN - MINI TEXT EDITOR - MULTIPLE LINEAR REGRESSI - NO MAN'S LAND - POLAR PLOTTING DEMO - QUBIC - READ SECTOR - REM STRIPPER INFO - RIDDLE - ROTATION-3D - SANDY'S REM STRIPPER - SCREEN PRINTER - SIMULTANEOUS EQUATIONS - SPACE CANYON - SUPPLEMENT - TEXTFILE CONTENTS - THE WALL - WUMPUS A-43 IAC #10 - AUGE Graphics ALIEN HEART - BILD1 - COLLISIONS - DA BIN ICH ... - FPBASIC - GABY - HELLO - HELLO 7 - HELLO.X - INTBASIC - KRISTALLE - LACE - NEON - N.BIN - ONE LINE - ORNATO 2 - PULSATOR - QQQQQ - QUARRY - RANDOM - SHAKALIN - SOFTWARE NOTE - STAR - VASARELY A-44 Applesoft Tutorial This one is a hardy perennial, with several boxes of this one being sold at each of the onthly meetings. It is a tutorial on the Apple II, which teaches about the keyboard, Applesoft and DOS commands. The user can be completely computer illiterate, and needs only know how to insert a disk and hit the power supply. If you are a newer Apple owner, this is a painless way to learn more about your machine. A-47 General Programs APPLESOFT LINE WRITER - APPLESOFT LO/HIMEM - APPLEWRITER-TO-TEXTFILE - BINARY FILE LIST - BRICK OUT III - CALENDAR - CANYON RUN - CATALOG MAINTAINER - COMMAND CHANGE - DISC SPEED INFO - DISC SPEED TEST - DISK SORT-VER 3.3 - DOS MOVER - DOS MOVER.B - DOS REMOVER - DSPEED.OBJ - FILE UNDELETER - FILE UNDELETER.B - FIX SECTORS - GEN LEDGER ACCOUNT# - GEN LEDGER - G/L DATA - HELLO - HEXDEC PRINTER - LHS CATALOG - LHS COPY - LHS DISK MAP - LHS RECST VTOC - MAPLE.PIC - MEMAP EXEC CREATE - MEMAP - MEMORY DUMP - NEW PRINTOUT - NIFFUM 3.3 TO 3.2 - PRINT G/L - RESTORE LOMEM - REVERSE NUMBERS - SCREEN DUMP - SCREEN REVERSE - SUPER MAZE - SUPER WORDFIND - VTOC MAP A-48 Fire Organ DEMO ABOUT ARTHUR - ABOUT BROOKE BOERING'S SC - ABOUT CEEMAC - ABOUT FISHTANK - ABOUT JP MCMILLAN'S SCORE - ABOUT VAGABONDO - ABOUT W. MIKE BENDIK'S SCO - APPLESOFT - CEEHI - CEELO - HELLO - HIRES - PDOC - PRODUCT ANNOUNCEMENT - SCORES - SHAPES - START.A - START.I A-63 Business & Finance #1 ANNUITY PRINCIPAL & INTERE - ANNUITY REGULAR DEPOSITS - BOND PRICE & INTEREST - BOND VALUE - BUDGET MONTHLY - DECISION MATRIX - FINANCIAL PAK - HELLO - HELLO.X - INVESTMENT ANNUITY FOREC - LOAN AMORT SCHEDULE - LOAN DIRECT REDUCTION - LOAN INTEREST - MARKET EVALUATOR PAK - MORTGAGE CALCULATION - REAL ESTATE PLOT - REAL ESTATE PLOT.X - REGULAR DEPOSITS I - SALES TAX AT 7% - SECURITY ANALYSIS COPY DAT - SECURITY ANALYSIS - SIMPLE INTERST - STOCKS - STOCK MONITOR II - STOCK MONITOR I - STOCK OPTION ANALYSIS - STOCK OPTION COVERED HED - STOCK OPTION PRICING II - STOCK OPTION PRICING I - STOCK PORTFOLIO VALUATIO - TREND LINE ANALYSIS - TRIP COST ANALYSIS - VISICALC COORD FORMULAS - VISICALC D FILE PRINTER - VISICALC FORMULAS INSTR - VISICALC FORMULAS A-64 Business & Finance #2 ANNUITY - AVERAGE GROWTH RATE - BASENAMEFILE - CHECK BOOK BALANCER - CHECK WRITER - DEPRECIATION AMOUNT - DEPRECIATION RATE - DEPRECIATION SCHEDULES - DEPRECIATION STRAIGHT - DISCOUNT COMMERCIAL PAPE - GEN LEDGER PRINER - GEN LEDGER - G/L DATA - HELLO - HELLO.X - HOUSE SALES - INCOME TAXES - INDEX - INTEREST EARNED - INTEREST RATE - INVENTORY HOME II - INVESTMENT FOR WITHDRA - INVESTMENT FUTURE VALUE - INVESTMENT INITIAL - LEASE COMPUTATION - LIFE MGMT AND FINANCES - LIFE MGMT TEXT ORGANIZER - LOAN BALANCE - LOAN INTEREST RATE - LOAN LAST PAYMENT - LOAN PRINCIPAL - LOAN REGULAR PAYMENT - LOAN TERM - MATRIX MAKER - MM-TEST - MORTGAGE COMPUTER - MORTGAGE TABLE - PAYROLL - REGULAR DEPOSITS II - REGULAR WITHDRAWALS - SALVAGE VALUE - SAVINGS GROWTH - SURVEY DATA REDUCTION - SYSTEM RELIABILITY - TEST.DATA - TEXT FILE READER - TITLE SLIDES - TREASURY BILL VALUATION A-65 Business & Finance #3 ALL ACCOUNTS - ALPHA - APPLE FILE (C) - BASENAMEFILE - BILLS - BUDGET ANALYZE - BUDGET EDIT - BUDGET INPUT - BUDGET PLOT - BUDGET TRACKER INSTR - CARD1 - CARD2 - CARD3 - CARD4 - CARD5 - CARD6 - CARD7 - CARD8 - CARD9 - CHECK BOOK INSTR - CHECK BOOK - CHECK BOOK.X - CLEAN UP - COMPANY - DATA BASE - FAMILY FINANCE (C) - FILE CABINET III - FILE CABINET II - FILE CABINET IV - FILE CABINET I - HELLO - HOUSE BUDGET - HOUSE STRINGS - INDEX - INDIVIDUAL ACCOUNTS - JOBWORK - NEW - NOMINAL INTEREST RATE - PAY - PFILE - PRINT ALL ENTRIES FOR I # - PROPERTY MORTGAGE - REC - STATEMENT INVOICE - UTILITY TO WRITE BLANK PFI - UTILITY WRITE EMPTY DISK A-66 Food and Recipe Disk ALPHA - CALORIE COUNTING PROGRA - CALORIE RQMTS - FOOD VALUES - HELLO - HELLO.X - IDEAL BODY WEIGHT - LIFE EXPECTANCY TEST - LIFE EXPECTANCY - METRIC KITCHEN - RECIPE BOX - RECIPE CALORIE COST - RECIPE COST PER SERVING - RECIPE COST A-67 Epson MX-80 Disk #1 EPSON CATALOG DBL STRIKE - EPSON DRIVER INSTR - EPSON DRIVER. - EPSON GREETING - EPSON LOWER CASE - EPSON MX80 CATALOG - EPSON MX80 DEMO II - EPSON MX80 DEMO I - EPSON MX80 LABEL MAKER III - EPSON MX80 LABEL MAKER II - EPSON MX80 LABEL MAKER I - EPSON MX80 LABEL.PIC - EPSON MX80 LETTERHEAD - EPSON MX80 PROGRAM LIST - EPSON MX80 SETUP II - EPSON MX80 SETUP I - EPSON UTILITY 3.3 DEMO - EPSON UTILITY 3.3 INFO - EPSON WORD GAME - EPSON.EXEC.MAKER.A3.3 - EPSON.EXEC.MAKER.I3.3 - EP1.3 - EP2.3 - EP3.3 - EP4.3 - HELLO - HELLO.X - TEXT.DEMO - TEXT.MXTEST - XEPSON.V3.3 A-68 Epson MX-80 Disk #2 APPLE.PIC - BESSEL - BESSEL 2 - BURT - CHART - CHESS - DISNEY CHAR - EPSON HIRES SCREEN DUMP (C - EPSON.HIRES.OBJ - HELLO - HELLO.X - HELLO.2 - INVADERS - ORG - PORTRAIT - SCHEMATIC - TRIM - TRIM.DAT - TYMAC A-69 Games #9 BLACKJACK STRATEGY - COMBAT - CRAPS BW - CRIBBAGE I BW - FOOTBALL PREDICTIONS - FOX AND HOUNDS - FRENCH MILITARY GAME - GOLD MINE - GOLF II - HELLO - HELLO.X - HI Q - HOCKEY I - HORSE RACE III - KINGDOM - LITERATURE QUIZ - MAROONED IN SPACE - PING PONG - ROBOT BW - SURVIVE - TWONKY I - WORD MAZE MAKER A-70 Adventure Game ADVDIR - ADVENTURE III - ADVHELP-1 - ADVHELP-2 - ADVINST-1 - ADVINST-2 - ADVITEM - ADVMOVE - ADVOCABL.B - ADVSXT - ADVTXT - HELLO A-73 Mixed BASIC Programs #1 APPLE HORSE (C) - ART CIRCLE - ART CURVES - ART DIVERGING OCTAGONS - ART DOUBLE CROSS - ART DOUGS THEME - ART DRIFTING CIRCLE - ART DRIFTING OCTAGON - ART IBM - ART ONELINER 7 - ART TIME TUNNEL - ART XMAS CARD - AUTOBOOT 16 - AUTOBOOT 16.X - CAPTURE IB AB - CURSOR DASH - DISK SPACE 16 - DISK SPACE 16.X - DOG TAG CREDIT LINES - DOG-TAG EXEC - FINAL GRADE DOC - FINAL GRADE - FOOTBALL - FOURIER TRANSFORM HIRES - FUNCTION PLOTTER I - GRANTS 100 - GRANTS 400 - GRANTS 50 - GRAPHIC SWITCH - GREETING SUBROUTINE - HELLO - HELLO.X - HIRES SKETCH - HISTOGRAM PLOT - H14 DRIVER.A$C100.L$FF - H14 INSTRUCTIONS - LINE FIND INSTR - LINE FIND.X - METRIC TEMPERATURE - MUSIC IN IB - MUSIC RIGBY - PREFIX ADD INSTR - PREFIX ADD - PREFIX REMOVE - PRINTER CENTRONICS 779 - RAM TEST 48K 30 MINUTES - RDWRT - SATELLITE REAL TIME - SMALL SORT V2 - SSM AIO CARD - STUDENT GRADE AVERAGE - TEST IN WOODWORKING - UNDELETE INSTR - UNDELETE 16 SECTOR ONLY I - UNDELETE 16 SECTOR A-74 Mixed Basic Programs #2 APPLE FILE (C) - ART BOXES - ART BOXES 3D - ART BOX PADDLES - AUTO SPACE WAR I - BSTAT II - CARD1 - CARD2 - CARD3 - CARD4 - CARD5 - CARD6 - CARD7 - CARD8 - CARD9 - CHARACTER TABLE GENERATO - CHARACTER TABLE NOTE - CHARACTER TABLE.X - CHARACTER TABLE.Y - CHARACTER TABLE.Z - CRIBBAGE II BW - DRAGON MAZE ERASE I - ELCT FORMULAS - FORT II - GEOGRAPHY I - HELLO - HELLO.X - INDEX - MASTERMIND - MATRIX MAKER - MM-TEST - MUSICAL MEMORY - MUSIC WRITER 3 - NET PRESENT VALUE IRR - NET PRESENT VALUE - SAVE A SKETCH - SHAPE EDITOR - SHAPE GENERATOR - SHAPE INSTR - SHAPE TEST - TEXT FILE RANDOM DISPLAY - TEXT FILE RANDOM FROM SEQ - TITLE SLIDES A-75 IAC #12 - Ottawa Group APPLESOFT LISTER INSTRUCT - APPLESOFT LISTPRINTER - AUTHORSHIP - CALENDAR - CONCENTRATION - CONNECTION - CRIBBAGE - FPBASIC - HELLO - HELLO.X - HEXCON - HOOVER DAM - INTBASIC - PAGE DUMP - SOFSYMREF - SOFSYMREF.S - STOCK TRADER - TEDISSEMBLER.S - VIDEO TEST A-76 Mixed Basic Programs #3 ADDRESS FILE - APPLESOFT TO TEXT (EXEC) - APPLEWRITER TO TEXT - APPLEWRITER TO TEXT.OBJ - ART HERRINGBONES - ART HERRINGBONE - ART HONEYCOMBS - ART STARS - ART TESSERECT - AUTO NUMBER I - AUTO NUMBER I.X - BAUD RATE ADJUSTMENT - BILLBOARD - CALENDAR REMINDER - COMPOUND INTEREST TABL - COPY MOGER 1 - COPY MOGER 2 - DECISION MAKER III - DXCC FILE - DXCC WAGNER - FORMAT REMARKS - HELLO - HELLO.X - INTEGER TO TEXT (EXEC) - LIBRARY INPUT CORRECTOR - LIBRARY REVIEW INPUT - LIBRARY REVIEW - LIBRARY REVIEW - LIBRARY REVIEW.X - LIBRARY I - LITERAL INPUT - LITERAL - MEM/DUMP TO TEXT FILE - MENU IDEA PUGETSOUND - NPV $ CHANGE INCOME IRR - NPV $ CHANGE INCOME PR - NPV $ CHANGE INCOME - PIE CHART II - PIE CHART I - PIE CHART.X - PIE CHART.Y - SHAPER INSTRUCTIONS - SHAPER - TEXT FILE OUT/CPY - TEXT FILE OUT/CPY (FP) - TEXT TO APPLEWRITER - TEXT TO APPLEWRITER.X - TIC TAC TOE A-77 Mixed Basic Programs #4 ALL PURPOSE DISASMB.(8800) - ALL PURPOSE DISASMB.(800) - AMPERSAND CATALOG - APPLEBETIZE - APPLESOFT TO TEXT (EXEC) - APPLEWRITER TO TEXT - APPLEWRITER TO TEXT.OBJ - ASSEMBLER - ASSEMBLER.X - AUTOSTART ROM EDITOR - AUTOSTART ROM EDITOR.X - AUTO NUMBER II - BACKWARD MEMORY MOVE - BASE CONVERT - BINADR CREATE - BINADR - BINARY LINK TO AB - CMP D1 & D2 AFTER COPY - COPY LHS - COPY LHS.X - CRAPS II - CREATE RESTORE LN - CTRL CHAR FIND - CURSOR DASH - CURSOR NO FLASH - DFIND - DFIND & FIND INSTR - DOS SHORT COMMANDS - DOS SHORT COMMANDS.X - DOS SHORT.RESTORE - FILE MANAGER - FILE MANAGER.X - FIND - FOURTH GRADE DEMO - FREE SECTORS DOS PATCH - GAME PAK 5 - GARBAGE - HELLO - HIDE PROGRAM NAME - INTEGER TO TEXT (EXEC) - KEYEDIT - KEYEDIT 7 UTILITY DOC - LINE INPUT IMPROVED - LINE INPUT - LIST SLOW PDL 0 - LIT# - LIT - MEMORY INTERPRETER - MEM/DUMP TO TEXT FILE - MUSIC COMPUTER - NAME THAT DATE - PAYMENT SCHEDULE - PRIMES & FACTORS - PROBABILITY - RECOVER LOST FILES - ROMAN NUMBERS - SHAPE MAKER - SUPER CATALOG BUILDER - SUPER CATALOG BUILDER.X - THROTTLE - TYPEWRITER+SOUND ROUTI A-78 Mixed Basic Programs #5 APPEND BINARY TO APPLESO - APPLESOFT LINE WRITER - ARTILLERY - CAPTURE IB AB - CATALOG ANALYSIS - DISPLAY ASC PAGE BY PAGE - ERROR HANDLER - HELLO - HELLO.X - PERMUTATIONS - POKE BINARY TO BASIC - POKE FILE - PROGRAM EDITOR INSTR - PROGRAM EDITOR - RAM TEST 48K - RAM TEST 48K 30 MINUTES - RDWRT - READ TRACK - REF# - REF - REM FORMATTER - SIMON+ - SPACE LANDER - STATISTICS - TEST DATA I - TEXT FILE CHAR HEX DUMP - TEXT FILE OUT/CPY - TEXT FILE OUT/CPY (FP) - TEXT FILE RANDOM DISPLAY - TEXT FILE RANDOM FROM SE - TYEXT FILE WRITER - TEXT TO APPLEWRITER - TEXT TO APPLEWRITER.X - THERMOSYPHON - UFO - VAR# - VAR - VOLUME NAME CHANGER II - VOLUME NAME CHANGER I - WORDS - WORD REPEATER A-79 IAC #13 - Mixed Programs #1 BIN.HELLO - DISK ZAP - DM 11 - DOUBLE DOS - HELLO - JOHANNES - PERPETUAL CALENDAR - REMINDER GENERATOR - ROWTSER - SCREEN DUMP.NO NUM.CENT - SCREEN DUMP.NUMBERED - SCREEN DUMP.PLAIN - TXFILER INFO - TXFILER A-80 IAC #14 - D.C. Hayes ALARM - ANSWER ON NTH RING MODI - AUTO DIAL - BASIC EXTRACTOR - DIAL A HUMAN - DJ CONVERTER - DUMBO - HELLO - MICROMODEM FLAGS - PICKUP - SELFTEST II - SOURCEON - STORE & FORWARD - TRANSFER A-81 IAC #15 - Mixed Programs #2 ARITHMETIC TAC DOUGH - AWARI - COMPUTERS.DECSN - DECISION - HELLO - HERB'S CALCULATOR DISPLAY - HERB'S CALCULATOR - INVERSE FIELD INPUT - INV.INPUT.INST - LIFE EXEC - LIFE (LOMEN:3072 HIMEM:8192) - MADLIB - MENU.1 - MENU.2 - OTHELLO - SCREEN EDIT - SCREEN PRINT INSTRUCTIONS - SCREEN PRINT - SCREEN WRITE INSTRUCTIONS - SCREEN WRITE 2.1 - SCR.PRINT.INST - SCR.WRI.INST.1 - SCR.WRI.INST.2 - SCR.WRI.INST.3 - STATE CAPITALS - TEXT EDITOR INSTRUCTIONS - TEXT EDITOR TESTFILE - TEXT EDITOR.50 - TEXT.ED.INST - TOWERS OF HANOI SOLVED A-82 Apple-Can Programs AMPERUTILITY.INSTRUCTIONS - AMPERUTILITY.OBJ - AMPERUTILITY.SOURCE - AMPERUTILITY.STARTUP - AMPER SWITCH.INSTRUCTION - AMPER SWITCH.OBJ - AMPER SWITCH.OBJ0 - AMPER SWITCH.SOURCE - ARRAY DUMP.INSTRUCTIONS - ARRAY DUMP.OBJ - ARRAY DUMP.SOURCE - CONVERT TEXT-TO-APPLEWRIT - CRAE/APA - CRAE/APA.INSTRUCTIONS - FREECAT - HELLO - HIGHER HI-RES - INPUT ROUTINES - LINECOMP.INSTRUCTIONS - LINECOMP.OBJ - LINECOMP.SOURCE - MEMAP - PADDLE TEST - POKE 33.INSTRUCTIONS - POKE 33.OBJ - POKE 33.OBJ0 - POKE 33.SOURCE - PRINT USE.INSTRUCTIONS - PRINT USE.OBJ - PRINT USE.SOURCE - PUF.INSTRUCTIONS - PUF.OBJ - PUF.SOURCE - STRING SWAP.DEMO - STRING SWAP.INSTRUCTIONS - STRING SWAP.OBJ - STRING SWAP.SOURCE - SYSTEM CONFIGURATION - TAX INFORM - TAX INSTRUCTIONS - TAX-1982 - TEXT.TAX INFORM - TRACK 35.INSTRUCTIONS - TRACK 35.OBJ - TRACK 35.OBJ0 - TRACK 35.SOURCE - UN-NEW.INSTRUCTIONS - UN-NEW.OBJ - UN-NEW.SOURCE - VISICALC FORMULA LISTER A-83 IAC #16 - Green Apples ALGEBRA I - APPLEWRITER READER - DAN'S OPTION WRITER - DAN'S SWITCH - DOS POINTERS - GAMBLER - H-DICE - MEMORY GAME - PRODUCTION OF LIGHT - RUTHER - RWDISC - SHIP CAPTAIN CREW - SIMON - SPELLING LIST - SPELLING TEST - STATIC ELECTRICITY - TEXT.APNOTE-82 - THE GREEN APPLES - TOM'S DISK MODIFIER - TOM'S MATH DRILL - TOM'S TRASH COMPACTOR - TWO DRIVE COPY A-84 IAC #17 - BASIC Games AUTOMATIC BINGO - BATTLE OF NUMBERS - BEGINNING - BINGO CARD - BINGO - BALCKJACK - COLOR MATH - COMPUTER ART - CRYPTOGRAM - DATA DISPLAY AND SAVE - FAST MEM TEST - HANGMAN - HANGMAN 2 - HELLO - HELLO.X - INSTRUCTIONS - LAS VEGAS SLOT MACHINE - LIFE - MOON LANDER - MUSIC - NEVADA CRAPS - NJ LOTTERY - PHILA. COLOR ORGAN - PHILA. PINBALL - RANDOM LINES - SKUNK - SLOTTS - SLOW MEM TEST - STARWARS RESCUE - STATES AND CAPITALS - THE HART PIANO - TITLE DEMO - TWINE (TYPE GR FIRST) - TWO CIRCLES - WINGS (TYPE GR FIRST) A-85 Sound & Graphics AMPERSAND KILL-CATALOG U - AMPERSAND LIST UTILITY - AMPERSAND RUN UTILITY - APPLESINE - ASCII SCREEN DISLAY - BILLBOARD DISLAY DEMO - BSOUND MAKER - FILE ARRANGER UTILITY - GRAPHING FUNCTIONS IN HI- - GREETINGS FROM W.V.A.C.C. - HELLO - HI-RES SOLAR SYSTEM SIMULA - JOYSTICK/PADDLE TESTER - LIST THIS FILE BEFORE IT'S - LOAN AMORTIZATION TABLE - MUSIC NOTES WITH OCTAVE - PAUSE (WORKING) ROUTINE - PIC. 1 (HI-RES PG.2) - PLAY THAT TONE AGAIN SAM! - SNAKE ARCADE GAME - SNAKE LOGO - SOME WHERE OVER THE RAIN - SOUND BY WAGNER - SOUND1(CALL2921) - SOUND10(CALL5472) - SOUND11(CALL4307) - SOUND12(CALL5334) - SOUND13(CALL4661) - SOUND14(CALL4827) - SOUND15(CALL3969) - SOUND16(CALL4993) - SOUND2(CALL3091) - SOUND3(CALL2571) - SOUND4(CALL3293) - SOUND6(CALL3631) - SOUND7(CALL5159) - SOUND8(CALL2230) - SOUND9(CALL5548) - SPACE MUSIC+ INTRO - TRICK FILE NAME UTILITY - TUNNEL VISION - TWIRLING CURSOR - TWO 3-D SHAPES - UP & DOWN THE SCALE - WENATCHEE APPLESTAND (GA - ))255 HI-RES COLORS DEMO) A-86 IAC #19 Apple-Can ADDRESS INDEX.INSTRUCTIO - ADDRESS INDEX.LC - BIRTH/ANNIVERSARY LIST - CONVERT APPLEWRITER - CRAE/APA - CRAE/APA.INSTRUCTIONS - CRAE/AP - DISK SECTOR MAP - DISPLAY ASC PAGE BY PAGE - DISPLAY ASC PAGE BY BAGE.I - DISPLAY ASC PAGE BY PAGE.O - HELLO - MUFFIN - MUFFIN.INSTRUCTIONS - JOYSTICK WIRING DIAGRAM - JOYSTICK.INFO - JOYSTICK.INSTRUCTIONS - LC-KILLER.INSTRUCTIONS - LC-KILLER.OBJ - LOAN PROGRAM - MEMAP (EXEC) - PADDLE TEST - POKE 33.INSTRUCTIONS - POKE 33.OBJ - POKE 33.OBJ0 - POKE 33.SOURCE - PUF.INSTRUCTIONS - PUF.OBJ - PUF.SOURCE - RAM TEST 48K - SECTOR LIST - TEXT TO APPLEWRITER - TEXT TO APPLEWRITER.X - TEXT.JOYSTICK.INFO - TRACK 35.INSTRUCTIONS - TRACK 35.OBJ - TRACK 33.OBJ0 - TRACK 35.SOURCE - UN-NEW.INSTRUC-TIONS - UN-NEW.OBJ - UN-NEW.SOURCE - X---> DISK FULL A-87 Hybrid DOS/Pascal Disk This disk is a hybrid and is made up of equal parts of DOS 3.3 utilities and Pascal utilities. The DOS programs include Muffin, which will read Pascal text files and transfer them into DOS text files; a lo-res graphics Space Canyon game, and several utilities. The Pascal part of the disk contains Puffin, which will read DOS 3.3. text files and transfer them into Pascal, and a disk catalog program for your Pascal library which is the equivalent of MultiDisk Catalog III for DOS 3.3. Note that you cannot boot up with this disk in DOS 3.3; instead, boot up with another disk and then run the HELLO program. This disk can be put in volume 5 for Pascal boot-up. It is a handy disk if you do anything in Pascal or are about to - you can use the Pascal text editor to write documents or Applesoft BASIC programs and then transfer them into DOS 3.3. BASIC programs can then be EXECed into memory. A-88 CALC type Spreadsheets This disk was distributed by the International Apple Core, and it contains both a public domain spreadhsheet program, BASICALC, as well as several Visi-type utilities. BASICALC was first published in Softalk, and is provided both in an Applesoft listing (which you can enter and modify) as well as in a compiled version which runs much faster. A thorough and lengthy set of instructions is included. To the Apple user who does not own a commercial "calc" or spreadsheet program (such as VisiCalc, SuperCalc or Multiplan), this disk provides a reasonably good and very low cost substitute. A-91 Mini'App'les Disk This disk was made available by the Mini-App-les group last September at the Minneapolis Apple Fest. It contains several varied utilities, including: Mail labels (a program capable of handling up to 400 entries), Auto redial (as the name implies, for the Micromodem II), Text writer (a text processor), German (a German/English vocabulary which can be modified to create language or math flashcards), Applesoft autonumber (for auto line numbering), Auto programmer ( writes some standard parts of programs), Compare modified (to compare versions of Applesoft programs), Make line capture (creates an EXEC file from a program), Epson Hi-Res dump (can invert and dump hi-res pages to an Epson printer), Move Screen (for creating title pages), and several color/graphics demos. A-92 The Story of Jonah This is the latest version of Jonah from GRAPE. There is now a slide show about creation on the disk as well. The Jonah story is reported to have great color graphics. A-94 Brasil Integer Disk ADDRESS2 - APPLE EDUCATION PAK - A.P.P.L.E. GAMEPAK II - BEGINNING MATH - DISK PROGRAM ELIMINATO - HELLO - INTEGER BASIC - JOHAN'S APPLE - MENU - PARACHUTE - SOUND EFFECTS - SPCE - THE ENTERTAINER A-95 ABBS - 1 A-96 ABBS - 2 The Washington Apple Pi wrote this program to run their Apple Bulletin Board System, using a D.C. Hayes Micromodem II. They have made it available through the International Apple Core. It is a long program which occupies one disk, with extensive documentation taking up much of the space on a second disk. If you are interested in hooking up your Apple to the Telephone, to set up you own personal Bulletin Board System, these disks are a very good way to begin. A-97 Machine Language Utilities This disk was written specifically for the members of LOGIC as a tool to introduce them to machine language programming. The disk contains: BEU, a program to enter and edit binary or machine-language listings; MASM, an assembler; the Mini-Assembler, which has been freed from the confines of integer BASIC and can now run on an Apple II+ which lacks a 16K RAM card or language card; and with several other utilities to examine hex code in memory, create disassembly listings and obtain the parameters of binary files which are stored ondisk. The disk is accompanied by several pages of documentation, and was referred to extensively in Vol.3 No.1 of the Maple Orchard. A-106 Education (IAC #24) This disk of programs from the Education SIG of the IAC was designed to operate on an Apple II or II+. The programs are all in compiled Integer BASIC, and make extensive use of high-resolution graphics or aid the learning process. The various routines on the disk centre about arithmetic - addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, fractions, making change, etc. A-107 Hi-Res Games This disk contains five games, a Frogger type game, a Flight Simulator game, an Asteroids type game, Pinball, and a Dart game. The Dart game is designed for 2 players, the pinball game for up to 4 players, and the others for one person only. A-108 Assorted Programs (IAC #26) This disk contains a number of programs submitted by four members of the IAC. A simulation of Rubik's Cube, requiring a color TV or monitor, allows the player to save a game and try to complete it later. A machine language routine allows the owner of a 48K Apple II+ to run Integer BASIC programs. Programs to create and copile shape tables, calendar, and memory dump were submitted from the Maryland Apple Corps. A master disk catalog routine, two word games, and a cheque program were submitted by the Erie Apple Crunchers. A-110 Ed's Plot Package EdUs Plot Package is a program authored by Ed Titlebaum, a Professor of Engineering at the University of Rochester, who is also the language SIG chairman for the IAC. He has created a series of inter-related programs which create plots using the Apple's hi-res screen. The data to be plotted can be input from the keyboard (up to 256 points per plot) or a function can be defined and the program will plot the points of that equation. The program was written as an educational tool for his students, and therefore incorporate some features (e.g., fourier transforms) which would be of value in certain engineering and scientific applications. The ability to plot functions (e.g., quadratic equations) makes the program useful for mathematical purposes. But the program can also be used by anyone who simply wishes to graphically display data using their AppleUs hi-resolution screens. A-112 Amper Enhancer and BLU B.L.U. stands for "Binary Loading Utility" and is a program which permits the inclusion of Ampersand (&) routines in your programs. The program takes the Ampersand routines supplied with the disk, or your own Ampersand routines which you have purchased or keyed in from the various Apple-related magazines, and links them together in whatever memory location you so wish to choose. Usually, they will be hidden between DOS and the DOS buffers. The routines can then be called from your BASIC program or in the immediate command mode. Types of routines included on the disk are high speed sorts, swaps, array clearance, tone generation, restoration of data pointers, data read/write, etc. A-113 Binary Ampersand Graphics This disk is an unusual approach to the problem of how to plot using the Apple's hi-res screens. Rather than being a menu-driven plotting program (as in A-110 or A-178), this program is a 'plotting language' which provides a series of commands that markedly simplify plotting. For example, the commands: 10 &SEE1 20 &CLEAR1 30 &XAXIS 100,10 40 &YAXIS 50,10 50 &FRAME will turn on Hi-res page one, clear the screen, set up the X- and Y-axes with appropriate tic marks, and frame the graph. Other commands allow for the positioning of labels, the use of logarithmic scales, reading data from an array and plotting it, moving and swapping the pages, high speed reading and storing hi-res pictures on disk, the use of a grid overlay, the choice of various types of points, bars and lines, etc. The program requires the use of an Apple II+ with a 16K RAM card (language card) or a 64K Apple //e. The program can use a 16K RAM card in a slot other than zero, and therefore this graphics programming language will not interfere with other uses that you will have for your 16K RAM card in slot 0. It accomplishes its purpose by disabling the INIT command in DOS and using that memory space. A-114 ZIP-DOS At the request of many members who desire an improved version of DOS which will speed-up disk read/write routines, one of the members of LOGIC has made this program available. The program patches into DOS and significantly decreases the times required for disk I/O operations. The time required to load a hi-res page into memory is decreased from about 8 seconds to 2. This improved version of DOS also allows you to automatically put a date stamp on your files each time you save them to disk. A-115 IAC Volume #27 This disk was put together by the Adam & Eve Apple Users' Group and is to be distributed by the IAC as an upcoming Disk-of-the-Month. It contains a variety of nicely done programs, each with documentation included on the disk. There is an input line editor which helps in the entry and debugging of Applesoft programs. The old Monitor ROM is included, which gives the user the STEP and TRACE functions which were dropped from the newer Autostart ROM. The ability to write onthe hi-res screen is possible, and the user can create and edit character sets for this purpose. The game of LIFE is included on the disk, along with several other routines. A-116 IAC Volume #28 - Pinball This disk contains four pinball games which were designed using The Pinball Construction Set. Associated with the disk is a quickloader routine which permits rapid loading of these lengthy machine language files. A-117 PromBlower Disk In Volume 3 No 3 of the Maple Orchard was an article by D. Chantry on how to build your own PROMBLOWER (a peripheral card to plug into your Apple which permits you to burn your own EPROMS). This disk contains the instructions for building an EPROM programmer, along with the software routines to drive the PROMBLOWER. A-118 Four Utilities David Deever, from the Central Ohio group, has put together a nice disk with four good utilities, supported by nicely done documentation files. They are (1) a lister program to make attractive and useful program listings onpaper; (2) a text screen dump which dumps whatever is on the AppleUs text screen with a ctrl-p command; (3) a disk arranger program which allows you to re-order the arrangement of files on disk, make illegal file names, correct illegal file names (as on many LOGIC library disks!) and add titles and special headings; (4) the PUF program which adds to Applesoft the commands PRINT USING, REPEAT PRINT, SWAP, DELETE ARRAY and others. This is a handy disk if you do any any amount of programming in BASIC. A-119 One-Key DOS This disk makes improvements to DOS and screen functions, allowing complete DOS commands to be entered with just a single digit. It adds an extra title line to the CATALOG command, gives free space, allows interrupted catalog lists and vertical scrolling in both directions, along with simplifying 9 other DOS commands. Like DIVERSI-DOS, the copy fee is for distribution charges only, and if you like the disk you are asked to send $9 to the company. If you don't, just erase the disk. A-120 Best of Apple-Dayton This is a well-organized disk from the Apple Dayton group. Its files include two games (Rubik's Cube which allows you to manipulate a Rubik's cube in hi-res, and a hi-res Star Trek game), some fun lo-res graphics for younger children and several utilities. FASTBOOT allows you to boot up a DOS disk and load the other version of BASIC in record time; DiskScan checks a disk for bad sectors; Menu remains resident in DOS and allows for easy disk cataloging; GetPascal will quickly read an Apple Pascal/Fortran file while in DOS 3.3; Epson Printer Set-up does exactly that; File Converter displays text files on the screen very nicely, breaking words appropriately. In fact, it is probably the best way to read the complete documentation which is included on this disk. A-121 Space Games #1 AIR ATTACK! - APPLESOFT - DEATH STAR - EXEC TO RUN STAR ATTACK - FPBASIC - HELLO - INTBASIC - LUNAR LANDER (TEXT) - LUNAR-LANDER - MENU - MOON LANDER - SAUCER INVASION - SPACE TRIP - SPACE-WAR V - STAR ATTACK - STAR ATTACK.OBJ - STAR.OBJ1 - STARS - STARTREK I - STARTREK II - STARTREK III - STARWARS RESCUE - HIRES ROUTINES A-122 Space Games #2 ALIVADER - ANDROMEDA PASSAGE - ANDROMEDA SCORES - ANDROMEDA.OBJ - ASTEROYDER - ASTROIDES - ASTROIDES-SHAPES - AUTO SPACE WAR - COMPUTER SPACE - HELLO - HELLO.X - LUNAR LANDER - MOONLANDING - SHOOTING ALIEN - SPACE ANIMATION - SPACE CANYON - SPACE INVADERS - SPLAT - STAR WARS - SURVIVE - TARGET A-124 Build a Program This unusual disk is from the Northern Illinois Apple Users Group, and allows a person to create an Applesoft program which uses an indexed sequential file structure. Date support is also given. The inventory program included on the disk is an example of what it can do. If you want to learn about programming a database in Applesoft, this is a very good place to start - this disk will write an important part of the program for you. instructions are on the disk. A-125 Arcade Games #1 BEACH-HEAD was the first one I played, and is still my favorite. It requires game paddles. The other two games, WESTWARD HO! and SHARK BAIT require a joystick. The other programs are support files. (These are excluded from the remaining four disk listings, as they are a repeat.) HELLO - BOOT - BEACH-HEAD - WERSTWARD HO! - SHARK BAIT - SPIRAL2 - PRIATE - M.PIRATE - LOGO.PIC - RUNPACK - PIRATE.PAK - FASTLOADER A-126 Arcade Games #2 PT-6502 is played with a game paddle, while STAR STRIKE and ARCTIC PASSAGE need a joystick. The other files on the disk are similar to A-125. HELLO - BOOT - PT-6502 - STAR STRIKE - ARCTIC PASSAGE A-127 Arcade Games #3 Two players with game paddles are needed for FIREGROUND and POACHER WARS, while a joystick is needed for the third. HELLO - BOOT - FIREGROUND - BEE CRUNCH - POACHER WARS A-128 Arcade Games #4 SILENT NIGHT (avoid hitting Santa Claus) and BIG-MAC ATTACK (stop them from putting Golden Arches on the moon) need game paddles, with a joystick for KING TUT'S REVENGE. HELLO - BOOT - SILENT NIGHT - BIG-MAC ATTACK - KING TUT'S REVENGE A-129 Arcade Games #5 BEACH PARTY and the REVENGEFUL RABBIT need paddles; TOMB OF DOOM a joystick. HELLO - BOOT - BEACH PARTY - REVENGEFUL RABBIT - TOMB OF DOOM A-130 PET Commodore Loader and MASMA This disk from Keith Falkner allows you to read a PET/Commodore BASIC program stored on cassette tape into an Apple, making many of the necessary conversions into Applesoft. It was written using the MASMA assembler. If you don't have an assembler for programming in machine language, this is as good a public domain one as you will find. It originally was a tape-based assembler from S-C Software. Lots of documentation is included on the disk. ARTICLE.TABLES - ARTICLE.TEXT - ASSEMBLY - COMLOAD.OBJECT - COMLOAD.SOURCE - COMMODORE LOADER - COPY.OBJ0 - COPYA - CURSOR KEYBOARD - EDITOR - HELLO - INTEGER BASIC - MASM DEMO - MASM DOC - MASM SAMPLE - MASM SAMPLE SOURCE - MASMA - OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS - PET PRINT - PET READER - PET SAVER - SHOVAR SOURCE - SWEET16 - F80SUB SOURCE - MASMA ARTICLE - ASM A-131 Stanislaus Apple Users This disk was designed to be used to track a library of DOS disks. It allows you to create a database of your disks by reading them into the program and then titling, sorting and searching in a variety of ways. ItUs a handy and well done disk. BELL - CATPRINT - COPYA - COPY.OBJ0 - DISK ARRANGER INSTRUC - DISK ARRANGER - DISK ARRANGER.EXP - DISK CHECK INSTRUCTIO - DISK CHECK - DISK MAP PROGRAM - DISK MAP - DISK SORT-VER 3.3 - DISKCAT - DISKCAT.X - HELP.CAT - DOCUMENTATION - FID - HELLO - HELP - INVERSE REMS - LHS CATALOG - MENU (ABBR.FP) - MENU (SELECTIVE.FP) - MENU (SUPER.FP) - MENU (SUPER.INT) - PD- INSTRUCTIONS - PD- - SCREEN EDIT - SCREEN WRITE INSTRUCTI - SCREEN WRITE 2.1 - SCR.WRI.INST.1 - SCR.WRI.INST.2 - SCR.WRI.INST.3 - SHOW CTRL - SPCA LABELLER - SUPER LABEL PRINTER II - TOM'S DISK MODIFIER - TRACK 35.INSTRUCTIONS - TRACK 35.OBJ - TRACK 35.SOURCE - TRICK FILE NAME UTILITY A-132 Green Mountain Users This is the first offering of the Green Mountain Apple users, and bears a variety of games and utilities. ALPHANUMERICS - AUCTIONSTARTOVER - AUCTION - AUCTION.DESCRIBE - AUCTION.ITEMS - AUCTION.NAMES - BREADS.TITLES - B-1 - B-2 - B-3 - B-4 - B-5 - CAPE 'CANAPPLE' - CASSEROLES - EASTER EGG - CASSEROLES - NOODLES & - CASSEROLES - TUNA BAKE - CASSEROLES.TITLES - CHARACTER CODE - DEFENDER SUBROUTINE - DEFENSE SQUAD LEADER - DESSERTS - JELLO FLUFF - DESSERTS.TITLES - DICE - DISK COMMAND EDITOR - DRAWINSTRUCT - DRINKS.TITLES - GMAC.OBJ - HEADER - HELLO - LETTERS - MEAT DISHES - BEEF CANT - MEAT DISHES - BEEF CORD - MEAT DISHES - CHICKEN & - MEAT DISHES.TITLES - MENU - MISCELLANEOUS - PRARIE - MISCELLANEOUS.TITLES - MISTER MATH 3 - MOUNTAIN MATH 3 - MOUNTAIN FALL - MYSHAPES - RECIPE FILE X - RESET - SALADS - CURRIED CHICKE - SALADS - HOMEMAKER'S S - SALADS.TITLES - SCREEN 2 - SCREEN2 INTRO - SOFTWARS - SPELLFILE - OFTEN MISSPEL - SPELLING BEE III - STOP III - SUPERDRAW - TEXT.PAGE 4 - VEGETABLE DISHES.TITLES A-133 CP/M - DOS Hybrid This is a hybrid disk which is half DOS 3.3 and half CP/M. The CP/M half contains a number of useful utilities. The DOS section bears the CP/MUFFIN program, which will read a CP/M text file and move it into DOS 3.3. The value of this disk is that you can have both DOS and CP/M files on one disk, and move them back and forth between these two operating systems. If you use both of the DOS 3.3. and CP/M environments, then this disk may prove to be a useful tool. The CP/M side contains a number of useful disk utilities, while the DOS half contains several programs. The entire disk can be copied using the COPYA facility on the DOS System Master Disk. A-134 RAM Disk Programs This disk bears a RAM Disk program of interest to owners of the Apple //e, as well as a second RAM Disk program of interest to owners of all Apples. In an Apple //e, the RAM disk utility turns the extra 64K of an extended 80-column card into a high-speed RAM disk for storing your favorite utilities. (You can get similar utilities commercially for about 5 times the price.) A second RAM disk utility turns a 16K RAM card into a small RAM disk - this works in an Apple //e was well and any Apple II+ with a 16K RAM card in Slot 0. And for your reading enjoyment, several interesting text files are included on disk. A-135 Practical 3-D Graphics Jim Usalcas is a LOGIC member who has written anunusual (and extraordinary) product. This software allows you to draw 3-dimensional objects on the Apple's hi-res screen, using a joystick. Up to 8 objects can be present at once, and they can be moved around, rotated and scaled. While drawing an object in two-dimension on the hi-res screen, its three-dimensional form appears on the left side of the screen. A hi-res picture can be loaded from disk, and 3-D objects added to it, the image can then be resaved as a standard DOS file. All images are compatible with GraForth. Basic documentation is included on the disk, but if you send $20 you will receive complete documentation and a built-in disk utility. In addition, if you have GraForth, indicate this to Jim and he will include a 3-D turtle program which gives depth commands (unlike LOGO), and which is flicker-free. This is an excellent disk which contains functions not obtainable from any other commercial source. A-136 The Graphics Disk This disk contains a number of graphics routines from the West German user group AUGE, the Apple User Group Europe ("Auge" is the German word for "eye"). The programs are well conceived, and the disk is equally well organized and well documented. The major programs are: HIRES ROUTINES - a collection of sophisticated graphic utilities that manipulate parts of, or the Apple's whole hi-res graphics screens. VSCROLL is a routine which can be implemented from your own programs, to produce the effect of one hi-res screen "moving" over the other one. LOHI CONVERT converts Apple low-resolution graphics images into hi-res pictures. It was primarily written to enable the user to dump lo-res graphics onto a printer by converting a lo-res picture to hi-res, and from there sending it to a printer by means of a userUs interface card or graphics dump software. THE LORES WIZARD is a utility allowing the user to design Apple lo-res pictures on the screen. SUPER LORES GRAPHICS - instead of being limited to the AppleUs lo-res graphics screen having a 40 x 48 matrix, this program allows you to use a lo-res screen consisting of a 120 x 144 block matris. This screen is viewed through a TwindowU of 40 x 48 points. Its use is for you to discover, but have a look at the demo program first! You can even convert conventional lo-res pictures into this Super Lo-res format. MULTI MOVE is a routine allowing the user to move a text or lo-res graphics screen in all four directions. FAST DISPLAY / SMOOTH DISPLAY - these display modules will transfer a whole lo-res screen or text page to be displayed, having been moved from higher memory area where 16 pictures or text pages can be held. (The Smooth Display transfers pictures from the bottom up.) Run the demo and browse through the stored pictures with the left- and right-arrow keys. (This routine is great for holding "Help" screens or other information which you may wish to view rapidly.) Finally, the disk contain a DOCUDUMP program which dumps out the documentation on all 7 of these major routines. The documentation is about 12 pages long, and for each routine is broken in 1) what it does, 2) how to use it, 3) technical notes, and 4) additional programs. This disk demonstrates originality, creativity and excellence. Hats off to AUGE!!! A-137 MasterChart This is a personal domain software product from Spectral Graphics which permits the generation of a variety of forms of charts (bar, pie, line, area). You can type and draw on a graph, as well as draw special shapes. Charts can be loaded and saved to disk. There is little documentation of disk, but the programs are easily understood. If you send the company $17.95, you receive complete documentation. A-139 Calc Sheet Templates This disk originated with the San Francisco Apple Core and The Original Apple ///ers. It is a series of templates that were designed to beused with the Apple /// and Visicalc. They were moved into the DOS 3.3. environment to be used with an Apple II. These templates will work with any spreadsheet program which uses Visicalc-type commands. This includes IACcalc. Documentation is included on the disk: this takes the form of the CATALOG file, which is to be read from within the spreadsheet program. The other spreadsheet templates include documentation within themselves. At the top of the spreadsheet template is a pointer to where you will find the instructions. You will have to change the column width to see them in their entirety. Household Management Templates: Net Worth (computes personal net worth), Budget Template (sets up home budget), Comparative Shopper (select minimum price), Comparative Shopper Demo, Cheque Master (cheque ledger sheet). Statistics Templates: Linear Regression (linear regression curve fit), Exponential Regression (exponential curve fit), Spearman Rank Diff (compute Spearman rank), Pearson Product (compute Pearson r product). Financial Templates: Stock Analysis (computer present stock value). Business Templates: Small Business Start Up (computer profit/loss), Avon Records Demo (demo of personal business profit), Bank REconciliation (reconcile business statements). Also included onthis disk are several Applesoft program which serve as utilities for use with spreadsheet templates. A-140 Educational Math Disk The intent of this disk is similar to an earlier Educational math disk (A-106). It uses graphics to encourage the development of basic arithmetic skills (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division). A-141 DOS Technical Notes This is a series of three disks (at the price of two) which were written by Neil Steven Rieck. They are a series of text files which provide excellent and complete information about DOS 3.3 The files contain a machine language listing of Apple's DOS 3.3 as well as information on DOS 3.2 and the disk drive interface. The disk also contains some software for reading and printing the text files so that a small book (about 108 pages) can be generated. Although Apple has released ProDOS, there will still be a tremendous use of DOS 3.3 for a long time to come. If you want to know more about how this disk operating system works, here is a good place to start. A-142 The Font Machine Your Apple DMP, Epson FX80, or C.Itoh 8510 ProWriter (or similar printer) has the capability of printing in two different character styles - either the "normal" character set that is always available, or a special set that you can define. Unfortunately, though, defining that character set was at best a difficult job. The Font Machine (TFM) is a program that allows you to take the print styles and transfer them into your printer. TFM is fully copyable and modifiable. To use TFM, you must have an Apple II or //e, and either an Apple DMP, Epson FS80, C.Itoh 8510 or similar printer and a parallel interface card. TFM is designed to work with most parallel interface cards. It has been tested with several, including the Apple Parallel Interface Card, the Microtek RV-611C, and the Tymac Parallel Card. TFM also will work with the Epson Parallel Card, but since the Epson can send only seven bits of data to a printer, the bottom row of dots of a given font will be erased. For those who own an Apple //e using the SSC with a printer capable of receiving downloaded fonts such as the ImageWriter, or who own an Apple //c and a serial printer capable of receiving downloaded fonts (such as the ImageWriter), the source code is included on disk to allow you to assemble your own program. (But if you donUt know how to use an assembler, find someone who can do it for you.) Fonts are loaded into your printer by choosing the desired item from the menu which is presented to you. Once a font has been loaded into your priner, it will remain until the printer is turned off or another font is sent. It's possible to switch between fonts from within your own program. That is accomplished using control codes which are explained in the thorough HELP instructions on the disk. TFM was designed to use the fonts created by Animatrix of the DOS Tool Kit, available from Apple Computer.f you insist on using another font editor, or wish to create one manually, those instructions are also included. TFM was released as "personal domain" software by CE Software. Because it is copyrighted, they ask that you send a $15 license fee within two weeks or erase the disk. If you send $20, you will receive the latest version of the disk. When changes are made to TFM, all licensed users will be notified by mail. The updated disk may be purchased for $5.00. A-143 PILOT-BASIC This disk will serve as an introduction to the PILOT language (Programmed Inquiry, Learning Or Teaching). PILOT was developed as a programming environment for computer-assisted instruction. It is commercially available in several forms for the Apple, including SUPER PILOT from Apple Computer. PILOT allows an instructor to write a series of command sequences which will prompt a student, receive an answer and compare it to predetermined answers, then jump to the next instruction sequence. In fact, there are a number of more sophisticated PILOT commands which allow for interaction between the student and the instructional materials, such as sounds and graphics. This disk does not contain the actual PILOT language, but it allows you to write PILOT programs using the editor on disk. (Once the command structure is learned, you can write your own PILOT programs with a normal word processor such as AppleWriter II.) To run one of these PILOT programs, a PILOT->BASIC converter changes them to Applesoft programs which can then be run in a regular Apple II. Confused? Don't worry. There are abundant instructions on disk - all written in PILOT and translated into Applesoft. If you are interested in computer-assisted instruction, then this is a simple and painless way to begin. A-144 Intro To Codiex Record This disk of programs from Dr. Bodo von Kalben is directed specifically at mortgages and real estate financing. It includes: Effective Interest & Payment Factors for Mortgage Loans: this compounds interest semi-annually, giving you blended monthly payments, monthly interest factors and effective interest rates; Real Estate Financing Programme: in spite of itUs apparent ramifications, this programme is easy to use. It uses a series of Pages: 1) Agreement of Purchase and Sale; 2) Mortgage Insurance Information; 3) Calculation of mortgage loan; 4) Land Transfer Tax; 5) Additional legal costs; 6) Qualification of Purchase (GDS and TDS requirements); and 7) total monthly payments. Mortgage Averaging: this is in two parts. Part A calculates the average rate of interest of two or three mortgages combined, where the decision is if an existing mortgage should be supplemented by another mortgage, or if an entirely new mortgage would be more advantageous. Part B is useful in arranging mortgage financing for a property which has an otherwise good existing mortgage at an unacceptable high rate of interest, and evaluates the 'buy down' information. Interest Calculation, General: this will calculate the effective interest rate after the nominal rate and the number of compounding periods per annum have been entered. Ample documentation is included on disk. If you are in the business or are involved in home/real estate financing, this disk could be quite useful. A-145 AppleWriter II Utilities This disk originated with the Mini'App'les. Several other text files were subsequently added to it. The included programs are meant to help those persons who use AppleWriter II and either an Epson (MX series) with Graphtrax Plus or a C.Itoh Prowriter. If you are familiar with AppleWriter II, then the files are self-explanatory. If not, then the proper place to begin is with the APPLEWRITER II GLOSSARY INTRO and follow its directions. Other text files have been added, in order to provide both a simple introduction to AppleWriter II and to provide some explanatory notes on the use of WPL, the Word Processing Language, included in AppleWriter II. The files APWRITE2 PART1, PART2 and PART3 are from an article on AppleWriter II which was written by Sandra Brockmann. These three files provide a good introduction to AppleWriter and WPL for new users. The file MORE NOTES explains the use of footnotes and on-screen formatting under AppleWriter II. The WPL NOTES (and related FILE and PRINT routines) explains how WPL can be used in simple data base applications. (See also A-174 and A-175.) A-146 Disk Manager Disk Manger is a well-done utility which can either reside in a hidden part of an AppleUs main memory, or will sit on a language card (16K RAM bank in a //e or //c). It is "personal domain" software - if you find Disk Manager to be useful and you want to continue using it, you are asked to send $29 to SYSTEMS SOLUTIONS. When your order is received, you will be sent out a new NON-DEMO disk which includes a version of Disk Manager which runs with GPLE, 50 labels for your disks, and a user manual. In addition, you will be notified of any future upgrades to the package. Disk Manager simplifies the operation of your Apple with its copy utilities by copying only used sectors and by minimizing the number of times you need to switch disks and drives. It improves DOS operations such as LOCK and RENAME by allowing you to select operations and files with a simple keystroke for each. It prints labels for your disks, and allows you to find files quickly by displaying the file names in sorted order, allowing you to rearrange filenames, and by allowing you to page the catalog forward and backward. In addition, Disk Manager attempts to combine most of the popular disk utility features into one program, including: copy files, an entire disk, tracks, or DOS; print SECTOR MAPS showing where a file is stored on the disk or all free sectors on a disk; Sort the filenames in user-specified order and rewrite the catalog to the disk; Undelete files; Edit/display sectors; Print disk labels in user-specified formal; Display the Load Address and Length of Binary files; and remove DOS from a disk. A comparison of copy times between Disk Manager and other utilities (e.g., COPYA, FID, SUPER DISK COPY) shows Disk Manager to be a clear winner. Once Disk Manager is loaded it will be available until a new disk is booted. If you have run DM earlier and have not booted another disk, you can reenter Disk Manager by typing R&DMS. Disk Manager will work with standard DOS and Diversi-DOS. It will not work with a version of DOS which is loaded onto the language card. Disk Manager will not copy disks which are copy protected with non-standard DOS. There are a few other gems on this disk - it has to be one of the best utilities I've seen. It is well documented. You're sure to like it. A-147 Class Records Class Records 2.0 was written by Walter D. Wilson and Nicholas E. Brown from Educator Software. It is a grading system for secondary school and college instructors. It allows for the creation and maintenance of student exam records. This is "personal domain software", meaning that you are free to evaluate it, but if you like the product, you are asked to send the authors a specified sum of money. Class Records is compatible with the Apple //e 80-character board, Videx's Videoterm, the Viewmax 80, and possibly others. The number of exam sets that can be entered is quite generous. For example, the "overlay" version of Class Records allows about 143 exams for a class of 25 students, 80 exams for a class of 50 students, and 7 exams for a class of 250 students. If DOS is moved to the RAM card, the limits increase to 206, 117, and 16 exams, respectively. The maximum number of students is 255. You may grade any exam either "on the curve" or using a fixed point scale. If desired, the program will recommend breakpoints (i.e., the lowest scores receiving A, B, C and D grades). Breakpoints (and/or exam scores) may be changed at any time. The program will display (or print out) a histogram for any exam, and summarize class performance using the established breakpoints. A histogram of cumulative student scores is also available. Class Records offers two different cumulative scores: TOTAL RAW SCORES and AVERAGE STANDARD SCORES. Both of these cumulative totals allow exam "weighting factors". In addition, you may elect to drop one or more (or even fractions of) "lowest scores" from each student's weighted average. Ample documentation is included - about 50K worth! A-148 The Defender This disk was written by Joe Holt of the Apple Dayton group. It is a hi-res arcade game, similar to a Gorgon. And it is well done. It is best played with a Joystick, and provides color if your Apple is connected to a TV. The object is to rescue men from attacking aliens before they are all captured and transformed into mutants. You begin the game with 3 ships, and you can fire at the aliens with Button 0. You are equipped with three smart bombs which destroy all the aliens on your screen (Button 1), but don't waste them, as you will need them later on. Pressing both buttons at the same time zaps you into hyperspace, but use this as a last resort, as there's a good chance you will blow up. You win a new ship and an extra smart bomb every 10,000 points. The ESCape key holds the game, and ctrl-s will toggle the sound off or on. Defender divides the screen into a lower part which shows your ship, the aliens and a small part of your planet, and an upper part which shows you a scan of the entire planetary surface. You can wrap around the edges of the upper screen. When an alien picks up a man, it attempts to carry him off the top. You must shoot the alien, catch the man before he falls, and set him gently ont he ground. SAving him scores a thousand points; if you donUt save him, the alien becomes a mutant which zeroes in onyour ship and destroys it. ItUs easy to miss the alien and shoot your man. In addition to aliens, there are mine-layers, swarmers, and a variety of other objects to blow up as you attempt to ward off the invasion. Kill all the aliens, and a faster, more complicated level appears. If you like arcade games, Defender will deliver. A-149 ELF ABC's This disk is designed for young users. It presents a hi-res picture for each of the letters and numbers on the keyboard: hitting a letter presents a hi-res image of an animal (or whatever) which begins with that letter. Each image is accompanied by music. The purpose is to teach the alphabet, much as Stickybear Numbers/ABC does. This disk and disk A-150 from Elfware is another example of "personal domain" software. If you like it, you are asked to send $17.95 to the authors. If not, just erase the disk. A-150 ELF Coloring Book This disk is an electronic coloring book. Using a joystick, you can "paint" with any of a dozen hi-res colors. Several line drawings are included for your use on this disk, and you can design your own with any software products that will allow you to draw lines on the hi-res page. Like the previous disk, this is aimed at young users. It is also "personal domain" software. A-151 Study Assortment This GRAPE disk features a Christian Personality Study program. It also includes a Scripture Memorization Program, a study program on the Trinity, and others. A-152 Games & Quizzes A selection of Bible Quizzes and Games for the young Bible student, from GRAPE. A-153 File Box - 1 A-154 File Box - 2 File Box is a filing utility program written by Steve Lawson of GRAPE. This is a commercial and copywrited program which he has generously granted LOGIC through GRAPE permission to include in our library. The File Box is a natural for birthday lists, favorite recipes, lecture or sermon notes, cards for the church library, etc. File Box is designed to organize a disk for use as a standard file box and is capable of printing information on 3"x5" cards. The program allows 15 tabs per disk and 15 cards per tab, thus giving you 225 cards per disk. You can name the tabs anything you like and subdivide the cards using different names. A-153 is the master disk and A-154 contains instructions for use of the File Box. A-155 Verse by Verse - 1 A-156 Verse by Verse - 2 This extensive program was written by Steve Lawson of GRAPE and is a program to allow entry, editing, display, printing, reference file use, concordance building, creation, and cataloging of New Testament data disks. A-155 contains the Verse by Verse program while A-156 is a data disk containing the data for the book of Romans from the New Testament. Data disks are available for all the books of the New Testament and instructions for getting them are on the Verse by Verse disk. A-157 ALF Music Classical music for the Apple by John Stainer and others. This disk requires the ALF 9 voice synthesizer hardware. From GRAPE. A-158 ALF Music Again, from GRAPE, a tremendous assortment of hymns and songs which use the ALF 9 voice music synthesizer hardware. Also there is a program that allows the songs on this disk to be converted to Electric Duet format thus enabling the tunes to be played without special hardware. It also may be possible to convert the ALF songs on other disks to the Duet format using this disk. The catalog is too long to list as there are 84 songs on it plus the operating and conversion programs, but rest assured it's a good one! A-159 "Brethren" A programmed-learning course in Brethren history by Michael O. Colvin. Music and low resolution graphics are incorporated in this GRAPE disk. A-160 Graphics Tools This disk from GRAPE requires a knowledge of BASIC programming. It contains programs to create high resolution shapes and pictures as well as utilities to pack and unpack high resolution pictures. There is also a slide show on the disk and many high resolution pictures for the show and/or your use. A-161 "GRAPE VINE" Standard sequential text files in the GRAPE VINE over the years are on this disk. Also included is a sequential dump program to enable reading the files on your monitor. A-162 "The Messiah" - 1 A-163 "The Messiah" - 2 These two disks contain the choruses from the oratoria by George Frederic Handel (52,000 notes worth!). The disks require the ALF 9 voice music synthesizer hardware. A-164 Utilities This disk contains a simple Text Editor, Mailing List, Label Maker, Indexing, Calendar, Loan Amortization, and several other utility programs. All programs are suitable for an individual's use. From GRAPE. A-165 Gospel of John This disk contains standard sequential text files of the Gospel According to John. Also, a sequential dump program is included to allow the user to view the files without any sort of word processor software. A-166 Songs and Hymns Although the catalog appears short, there is a very large assortment of songs, hymns, and carols on this disk. These are all single voice sound and also require Integer BASIC to be loaded. A-167 2-Voice Hymns Here you will find 67 different two-voice hymns that require no special hardware to run. The sound can be output either to the Apple's internal speaker or to the cassette output jack on the back and then fed to an external amplifier. The songs were done using the Electric Duet program and the sound is truly amazing. From GRAPE. A-168 Levi's Database This is a very good disk and is by a LOGIC member. It was designed as a modifiable database (that means you can go in and change your fields later). While the print commands were designed for an Epson printer, the print commands can be easily changed to be configured to any printer. Full documentation is included on the disk. A-169 Bank'n This is a personal domain software "Cheque Register" program from Hal Carter in Pensacola FL. Instructions for the use of the program are included on the disk. The program is menu driven. The instructions include a number of control commands to scroll or position within the cheque book, to flag, delete or abort transactions. A-170 Trial Size Toolbox This disk is replaced by A-224 A-171 FIDO This is a personal domain arcade game based on the concept that your dog (Fido) has been hauled off, and you have to get him back. It uses either keyboard control or a Joystick. A-172 Omni File This is a very good "personal domain" database program. It allows you to create and modify a database, and provides a number of search/sort capabilities. The program is easily configured for your computer (48 or 64K) and for your printer. Instructions are included on the disk in the form of "help" files. As it is personal domain, you are asked to send a donation to the author, in return for which you will receive a hard copy of the documentation. If you don't have a database program, here is a reasonable place to start. A-173 The Print Shop Utility Have you ever tried to design your own graphics for the Print Shop? You would rather use your own editor than theirs, though, right? Enter the Print Shop Utility. The Print Shop Utility enables you to capture a portion of the normal hi-res screen and turn it into a Print Shop compatible graphic image. All you need is a picture that has an area that you would like to convert, and a disk to save the converted image on. Run the Print Shop Utility, load your picture, and use either the keyboard or the AppleMouse // to move the box around the screen. Once the area that you wish to capture is surrounded by the box, press return and then select the save option. Now you have a Print Shop graphic on disk and ready to use. This disk is by a LOGIC member, Scott Anguish. It is distributed on a "freeware" basis. If you like the program, you are asked to send in $15.00. If not, just erase the disk. A-174 AppleWriter //e Utilities Some months ago I released A-145, a disk of utilities for use with AppleWriter. Tom Ostertag has created a disk which uses the WPL (Word Processing Language) capability of AppleWriter //e to facilitate the use of this popular word processor. This disk is a well-conceived enhancement to your AppleWriter //e disk (DOS 3.3 version). In the main, it adds or improves 10 functions. These are: copy multiple files, delete useless files, convert WPL files, print multiple files, print multiple copies, count free space on disk, copy the disk catalog into memory, count the words/characters in a text file, print to screen, and print a document outline. This disk also rewrites your ThelpU files and allows you to choose whether these new help files will be in 40- or 80-column mode. Other functions will support the features of an Epson printer, and will set a STARTUP file for AppleWriter //e. Using this disk is simple. Put a copy (not the original) of your AppleWriter //e disk in Drive 1, and this disk in Drive 2. Boot up AppleWriter //e, and then enter: ctrl-p do me.first . This will present you with a menu of choices. You should read the instructions first, to learn of the enhancements which this disk offers. Then choose the "installation" option to modify your AppleWriter //e disk. You will have to cool your heels a bit - this modification process takes about 8 minutes! When itUs done, you will have a number of added or improved utilities, along with the "help" files which explain their use. And you will be thankful that you made the modifications. Hats off to Tom for his good work! A-175 More AppleWriter Utilities This disk contains several recent submissions of utilities and enhancements to be used with AppleWriter II. LOGIC member A.R. Lyle reworked disk A-145 to work with a Gemini 10X printer. While this was done for the Apple II+ version of AppleWriter II, it is simple to incorporate his changes for the //e version of AppleWriter. Dennis Doms of the Kansas City group added a few modivications allowing A-145 to work with AppleWriter //e, and also added glossaries to be used with the Apple Dot Matrix printer. James Munro of Youngstown NY, created a very slick set of tutorials to be used with AppleWriter //e. Most of the demos will also work with the II+ version of AppleWriter II. To run the demos, just boot AppleWriter and enter: ctrl-p do demo1. If you are a serious AppleWriter user, you may benefit from this disk. A-176 Another Trivia Game This is the DOS 3.3 version of ProDOS-5 by Rudy Guy of the Erie Apple Crunchers. Rudy wrote another trivia game and contributed it to the public domain. Besides asking questions on a variety of topics, it also allows you to enter and edit your own questions. A-178 Enhanced Softgraph This disk originated with David Durkee's Softgraph which was released into the public domain by the late Softalk magazine. It became a popular program with many Apple user groups, and because it was written in Applesoft, it could easily be modified for a variety of special uses and interface cards. The operation of this Enhanced Softgraph is similar to the old Softgraph, allowing for display of data in a variety of line, bar and pie charts. Entry and editing of data is accomplished with the 'Data Editor' section of the disk. Full instructions are included in a text file which can either be listed on the screen, or read and printed out using a word processor. A-179 Marriage Counselling This disk contains groups of questions designed to aid in marriage role models and communication. The marriage role expectation inventory is designed to help you achieve a better understanding of your marriage expectations. The communications inventory questions numerous aspects of the marriage relationship where communicating is critically important. Each of these areas are examined by a series of questions to which you give honest answers. This disk can be a worthwhile exercise. A-180 Take 1 Tips Take 1 Movie Tips Disk was released by Baudeville Graphics as a demonstration of the types of animation possible with their software products. It also contains some tips of how to maximize the use of their software. A-181 DB Senior DB Senior, a database program by LOGIC member Tom Hellsten, is the most powerful of such programs to be found in the public domain. It allows you to create, alter, append and merge database files. An excellent update facility is included. Extremely fast and flexible search/sort functions are available. The most unusual feature is his "DB Calc" utility, which enables you to perform mathematical and string manipulations on the two or more fields, and put the results in another field. The top of the screen acts as a "help" function. The database is memory resident; thus, a single database may contain about 38,000 characters - enough for most home/hobby users. A-182 File Cabinet + Comm-Term This disk contains several modifications to the File Cabinet program, along with a communications package. One version of File Cabinet features maximum record lengths, faster garbage collection, and easy to use printer commands. In a 65K Apple, the program will relocate DOS in memory to permit larger data bases. A second version of File Cabinet on this disk will allow for commas, colons and other punctuation to be stored on disk. Sample data bases and instructions are included. RELOCATE DOS TO MEMORY CARD will free more than 10K of RAM for use in your Applesoft programs. Comm-Term is a public domain communications terminal program which will either (1) function as a Rdumb terminalS that displays data from a modem onto the screen and sends data from the keyboard to the modem, (2) capture a file from the modem for storage on a DOS disk, or (3) send a text file from the disk to a modem. The program assumes that the modem is in slot 2. Four different serial interface cards are supports: Electronic Systems, SSM AIO, CGS 7710, and Apple Super Serial Card. CHANGE FILE TYPE IN CATALOG allows you to change the type designation of a DOS file (B, I, A or T) for use with communication packages that will only transmit text files. A-183 EVE EVE is a full-fledged communications program designed for use with an Apple II and a DC Hayes Micromodem. This freeware package is both well conceived and well explained in the accompanying documentation. If you have a Micromodem (or a compatable plug-in modem), you may want to have a look at this disk. A-184 Fireground This double-sided disk is a nicely done game by Albert Lesiuk. It requires that you find your way through a maze before you have the privilege of fighting the fire, which is an arcade-style game. (Joystick required.) A-185 Do-It-Yourself Business Forms This disk contains a shareware program which will use the capabilities of your dot-matrix printer to print out certain business forms. Specifically, it will allow you to design letterheads, invoices, etc., and output them to any of a number of printers. It's a nicely done disk - even if you donUt use your Apple for business, the letterhead function is rather nice. A-186 King Tut's Revenge This double-sided disk contains an arcade/adventure game by Albert Lesiuk (who also authored Fireground). If you admit that your Apple is used for other than business purposes, you may enjoy this disk. A-187 Calcu-Link This shareware disk contains utilities to be used with VisiCalc* or VisiCalc-compatible templates. A-189 Draw Disk This disk originated with Michael Fink of the Northern Illinois Apple User Group. He developed a program for drawing graphics and text on the hi-res screen, using a number of fill-in color patterns. For that, he won a programming award from that group. He subsequently improved the program (adding commands, but using up 64K of RAM), and added other utilities which would allow the editing of fonts which are used with the DRAW programs. Other functions, such as picture packing and unpacking to conserve disk space are included. Both versions of DRAW and the supporting utilities are included on this disk. (This disk is full - you will have to make a backup and delete some files to give yourself working space.) A-191 PS Graphics Maker This disk will create Print Shop graphics out of hi-res images. Instructions and a demo program are included on disks as are a number of Print Shop-compatible graphics. A-196 Imageworks (DOS 3.3) Because of popular demand, this disk by Ed Thompson of Denver Apple Pi has been released in both DOS 3.3 and ProDOS versions. Imageworks makes use of the fact that the Apple ImageWriter printer is capable of not only printing in different fonts which have been built into it, but it is also able to receive different fonts which can be downloaded to it. This disk consists of routines to edit and download fonts to the Imagewriter printer, such that you can select the appearance of the print which is used by the ImageWriter. This Imageworks disk also sports a demonstration mode, which allows you to view any of the diskUs 45 different fonts on your monitor or printer, to assist in their selection. The disk runs under the ProDOS operating system. Unlike earlier versions, it works with the Apple //c. If you have an ImageWriter, you will likely enjoy this disk. A-197 Amdos 3.5 This disk has already become a legend to the Apple intelligentsia. Gary Little of Vancouver (no slouch when it comes to knowing what goes on in the AppleUs chips) has written a modification of DOS 3.3. to make it work with the 800K Unidisk. This disk is shareware, and is a fraction of the cost of a similar DOS 3.3. modification from another software publisher. If you have one of the slick 800K drives, you will absolutely want this program, so that you can use it with DOS 3.3. A-198 Zipscript II It had to happen... a shareware word processing program for DOS 3.3, which would run on all of the older Apple II+ machines, as well as the Apple //e and //c. Hal Carter did it with Zipscript II, which uses the AppleUs 40 column screen to provide you with a good word processor which implements commands similar to those used by the commercial program WordStar. Zipscript II handles several printers (e.g., Epson, ImageWriter, Diablo). No additional equipment is required. Full documentation is included on disk. My hat goes off to Carter: he deserves the $10 that he is requesting! A-199 Terminal Manager This disk is the public domain version of a commercial telecommunications program for the Apple //e with a PDA232C communications card. It uses the AppleUs 80-column card, and if linked to a Hayes or equivalent modem, this menu-driven program provides autodial capability for the 9-entry directory. It is a nice program, and suggests that the full version (which costs $25) is a bargain. Terminal Manager was written by LOGIC member Peter Roderick. A-200 Callaway Golf Handicapping This shareware disk contains the extensive Callaway golf handicapping system with a support database. An amateur gold tournament with up to 300 players can be handled, and stored ondisk. The program will generate appropriate scores (low net, etc.) for the event. If I liked golf as much as my Apple II, this program might mean something to me. A-201 DCOM Terminal Program This DOS 3.3 disk contains DCOM (version 3.21) by Jim Hayes. It is a full-featured terminal program for the Apple //e and //c, and includes everything needed to run the program, including thorough instructions for set up. The DCOM vt100 emulator was developed from utter frustration at the lack of a suitable terminal emulator on the market. While some programs promise "vt100" emulation, more often than not they usually deliver a "brain-damaged" program that barely works with UNIX or VMS, or not at all. DCOM was written with UNIX and VMS in mind. It has many bells and whistles not found in other emulators. In the mainframe computer world, connecting to an Apple Personal Computer can be (and must usually is) FRUSTRATING. So many variables that didn't used to be problems show up. For instance: Can the computer talk to the modem? Can the modem talk to the computer? Can the computer talk to the AppleUs screen? Most (usually all) of these problems are solved using DCOM. DCOM is written entirely in 6502 Assembly Language, and is started from a BASIC program at boot time. It does not use interrupts, and can operate at speeds as fast as 7200 baud. A-202 The Music Disk This disk, by Walter Marcinko, is a collection of tunes created with TThe Electric DuetU. The music includes classical, gay nineties, etc. A-203 Dot Matrix Font Editor LOGIC member Glenn Jones has provided us with an opus magnus. He wrote a font editor for use with the Star SG-10 and Epson FX series of dot matrix printers using a Grappler interface. (It can be easily modified to work with other printers, as well.) The program differs from other printer font programs in that the main program which lets you create the fonts need not be run to send the font to the printer. Instead, included with each font is a small machine-language program that downloads the font to the printer. Thus, the completed font can be used under several operating systems (e.g., DOS 3.3, ProDOS). The disk contains the necessary programs (which are thoroughly documented), instruction files, and source code (for those who are interested). If you have one of these printers, you should be very interested in this serious product. A-204 The Hinky Pinky Game This is a two-disk set containing The Hinky Pinky Game, in which the players guess combinations of rhyming words, such as "fat cat" and "otter spotter" from definitions, formulas and clues. Three levels of difficulty are available to match the age of the players, and hints are provided by the computer. The second disk allows you to create your own games, and add to the 6400 word dictionary included on the disk. This program from the 22nd Avenue Wordshop is shareware. A-205 Lode Runner Data Disk I don't have Lode Runner on the Apple II, and so I don't really know what this disk is for. I gather it gives you different levels of play. If you are a Lode Runner freak, you probably know. So why not let me in on the secret. A-206 Diskeeper Diskeeper is for those of us who are terminally disorganized. Jan Eugenides wrote this disk library utility to keep track of his 200+ disks. It is capable of handling 7170 files on 239 disks, and is both easy to use and fast. It will print out labels on 1" and 1.2" labels (printing has been optimized for an Epson printer, but works with others). Diskeeper automatically reads DOS 3.3 disks, and will accept manual entry for other disk formats (e.g., protected disks). It's shareware. A-207 Jim's Database LOGIC member Jim Low has written a nice database in DOS 3.3. Among other features, it supports a number of drives, and is characterized by fast sorts (Shell method), numeric and string searches, append/merge capability, and the ability to convert the random access to sequential files (to make them readable by other software such as word processors). The disk also contains good documentation, sample files (such as label printing). HeUs done a good job. (Also 3.5" format.) A-210 The DNA Disk This disk, which won a programming contest held by the Erie Apple Crunchers, uses nicely done graphics to teach the basics of DNA, RNA, the codon, transcription, translation, and so forth. A-214 Personal Finance This disk lets you keep track of your Personal Chequing Account. It does everything from writing cheques and keeping track of current balances. If you are having trouble keeping track of your cheques, this disk will help you out. A-215 Diversi-Copy 3.2 This is the latest (v3.2) of Diversi-Copy by Bill Basham. With it, the earlier version has been removed from the library. Diversi-Copy has been one of the more popular disks in the LOGIC library, and this represents a significant improvement. Diversi-Copy is a shareware program for copying 5.25" and 3.5" disks. It recognizes almost all RAM cards, including all the standard ones, as well as the GS memory expansion slot. Diversi-Copy was written to make life easier copying disks on the Apple //c, but of course works with all Apple IIs. It copies disks in the DOS 3.3, ProDOS, Pascal and CP/M formats. In addition, it will format a disk for any of these operating environments. The good news is that it will copy an 800K disk in as few passes as possible; with just a 256K machine, it will copy many disks in one pass if there are few files on the disk. A full 800K disk takes about 4 passes. But with more memory, it loves it! (Also in 3.5" format. Replaces A-138 and A-208.) A-217 Family Tree + other programs Some months ago, a Logic member asked me for a program that would allow her to create a family tree. Finally, I found one. This disk does just that, as well as contains a number of other programs of general interest. Only problem now is that she wanted a family tree that would handle dog breeding, and this Family Tree program is not capable of handling the varied and incestuous relationships that accompany dog breeding! But it is still a good disk. A-218 Book List This is a shareware program for tracking one's book collection according to author and titles. A-219 Mystery disk This program is a mystery and the object of the game is to solve the mystery before everyone is dead. The game uses graphics and text to solve the mystery. There are certain little trick to the game; the hardest part is getting back to the house after climbing the tree. Good luck! A-220 Squirrel This squirrel has had a great time this summer, fooling around, giving the blue jays a hard time, getting up early in the morning to wake folks up for peanuts, tarts and anything else that came to mind. But summer time is running out and no nuts have been stored up for winter. Your job is to help the squirrel do this using your joystick. First the squirrel must go to the lower part of the screen and pick up all the acorns possible, then take them all the way to the top of the screen and put them in the hole in the tree. The squirrel must get 30 acorns to his tree befor the sky is full of clouds. And in doing so the squirrel will have enough food to make it through the winter, to enjoy another summer. But watch out! There is Highway 18 to cross, a dog that doesn't like squirrels, a hunter that fires real bullets, a fast moving stream (must cross using the logs), and a hawk that can make a ground squirrel fly. A-222 Reading Helper These programs let you practice your reading. The programs are written using the speed command in AppleSoft. Some of the programs have been written with children in mind. If you want to learn how to display text slowly ont he screen, you should look at this disk. A-223 Economy Telecomm This is a simple telecommunications program that only works at 300 baud, but you can write to the author for an upgrade to the program It is meant to run on an Apple //e as the minimum computer. It also lets you capture text into a buffer, set up a list of phone numbers, and has a very good tutorial on the disk. A-224 Trial Size Toolbox The Trial Size Toolbox is more than a simple "demo disk". It is a fully functional software system that will let you add nearly 20 new commands to any Applesoft program. These new commands will let you create Hi-Res graphs and charts, musical tones, format text sent to the screen or printer, enter text without being bothered by commas in the input and more! Best of all, it takes just a few seconds to add any of the commands. The back of the diskette contains a dynamic demo of the Toolbox packages available from Roger Wagner Publishing. A-225 GradeBook Program This program is a simple and easy to use Gradebook Program. It allows up to 40 Students with up to 29 character names and 80 marks. It also allows you to customize the letter ranges, like A being 80-89%. A-226 Family Roots Trial Program FAMILY ROOTS is a tool designed to help genealogists in their quest for family historical information. This TRIAL DISK will let you discover for yourself how part of the program works. You may start easily, and the variety of options allow more complex use when you become more familiar with the programs. A capability to add supplemental text information via your favorite word processor. A-227 Disk Utility Package V2.1 This package contains over 25 different utilities in all. Some of these include Disk copy (45 seconds), File Copy (40 seconds!), catalog w/disk and file maps, format disk & tracks, verify & repair disks, lock/unlock files, delete/undelete files, view files, and extensive sector and nibble editors. Of course, it also takes advantage of 128K memory if it is available. A-228 Kermit 3.84 Kermit-65 is a program that implements the Kermit file transfer protocol for the Motorola 6502 processor family (hence the name, Kermit-65) on the Apple II microcomputer system. It is written in 6502 assembly language and should run on any Apple II or compatible running DOS 3.3 or PRODOS 8. There are several different Apple II's which can run Kermit-65. Kermit will have no problems running on an Apple II, II+, //e, //c or //gs system. The program also offers DEC VT-52 and DEC VT-100 terminal emulation. A-229 Rainbow Painter and Easy as ABC Demo Self-running demo of Rainbow Painter and Easy as ABC. Rainbow Painter is a paint program for children. It features patterns, colours, mirrors, 50 different crayons, line drawing, circle drawing, and more. It is just like a computer colouring book. Easy as ABC lets children learn their ABC's by playing different games. There are five games they can play, Dot to Dot, Leap Frog, Honey Hunt, Lunar Letters, and Match Letters.